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American internet question

Rang3r Elmo

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Rang3r Elmo

Hi fam


So I'm moving to a new place of residence on Thursday and as of now I'm making all the arrangements utilities-wise.  Now comes time for internet. You guys already struck out on music taste on my last topic, but this is something I trust you a lil more with.


What's a solid net speed for leaguing and scaping?  I'm assuming the avg plan for many people is around 25 Mbps or something like that (or at least that's around what I have at home I think).  Does anyone have experience with 150 (the plan I think I'm signing up for) or anything else?  Basically if you can tell me anything you know about internet speeds that would dope.


Thx foe  :cool:

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hmmm im really not 100% sure on this sort of stuff il quote someone in that may be able to help you @@LieV2 @@Borzor but tbh id suspect that most internet providers will provide you with substantial amount off mbps to play games

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@@Rang3r Elmo i'll be completely straight with you, no matter where you go you will never get the speeds advertised. I have no idea how much you are paying for for the 150 speeds but where I lived in Philadelphia i was hardcapped at 30 and downgraded my plan as such because I was paying for double that. 


Your choices everywhere are going to be limited to something like Xfinity, Verizon, or Time Warner. All of them are expensive, none of them will give you incredible speeds, but if you're in a mostly populated area(read: not hicktown/the sticks) the speeds should be serviceable enough. if you are really lucky and live somewhere that is offering Google Fiber or a locally serviced internet provider you may get actual internet. 


For playing actual games 30 is more than enough, you can basically play runescape on a toaster with 512 kb/s so don't worry about that. for league/csgo/any kind of game with alot of input/output a stable connection of some few mb/s or more is ideal. 

Edited by Tyendinaga
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at least 50 dl to do anything well. any less and you will lag for example if you played rs and had ts open during trips with 200+ people on screen

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at least 50 dl to do anything well. any less and you will lag for example if you played rs and had ts open during trips with 200+ people on screen


rs lags with 200 people on the screen because it isn't optimized to use more than one core thread


nothing to do with internet speed bruv

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at least 50 dl to do anything well. any less and you will lag for example if you played rs and had ts open during trips with 200+ people on screen


rs lags with 200 people on the screen because it isn't optimized to use more than one core thread


nothing to do with internet speed bruv



You should make a pure and join foe ill take you under my wing. I will kiss you, caress you and treat you like hanu never could bby. we can go see the world together and buy post cards and when we get old we can sell our postcard collection for millions and play runescape together in our retirement home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've always tried to keep the 30 mb plan. Average speed is 20-25 with that plan.

More than enough for RS, and music or movie streaming, as well as gaming in general.

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