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Final Ownage Elite vs Fatality + Ruin (55 vs 73) First to 100 P2P War


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Final Ownage Elite vs Ruin


We originally had a Prep against Fatality, but they weren’t able to pull the minimum so we decided to fight Ruin. They had around ~38 people at PCL, so we fought them for the first part our day, was matched and took the victory losing 3 people.


Final Ownage Elite vs Fatality + Ruin


Onto the next war, we were pretty excited on fighting Fatality and Ruin in a 1v2 scenario. Our members put on a legendary performance from the start to finish. The starting opts for both clans was 55 Foe vs 70+ Fi+Ru. We managed to get an early lead and dominated from that point. We pulled to our portal as we saw Fi pulling toward our port and we caught them in huge clumps. Then Ruin started to seep in from the north so we held both sides off and caught both clans in clumps. At this point I believe that some downies got into their cc and it jumped from 70 to 80 or so people inside the portal. But that wasn’t the issue, the issue was a few mains getting in and causing havoc and trying to disrupt our composure but we just laughed it off and killed the mains. But yea for those kids that attempted to fuck our event, go fuck yourself! 


Ty for the fights lads, hope you enjoyed it as much as we did =)


Always a pleasure to fight both of you clans! 


First to 100


Starting Opts:


Final Ownage Elite: 55

Fatality + Ruin: 73


Ending Kill Count:


Final Ownage Elite: 100

Fatality + Ruin: 63







~Deadly Lagg









Edited by Danny

g to the fuckin g

Posted (edited)



Edited by Lagg

Fi can't pull 40? Slumpin


g to the fuckin g


Proud of all my boys!!!!!

PkOwnz Medic

Great job FOE! Owned.


gratz on your win. Someone leaked cc, so randoms came in to die on purpose to fuck up the event. Thanks for the fight Foe.


gratz on your win. Someone leaked cc, so randoms came in to die on purpose to fuck up the event. Thanks for the fight Foe.

=/ retards gonna retard i suppose but gf 


thanks for the fight shame retarded clans like op/eop aren't civilized enough to have fun events like these

Durty Sprite

gratz on your win. Someone leaked cc, so randoms came in to die on purpose to fuck up the event. Thanks for the fight Foe.

you also had mains in max str speccing us lol


Gonna kill some shit this weekend


Good performance was fun


Saw some guy run by in full addy + team cape??? what lol


dang sad i missed :/ 


Nice one, what the fuck happened to Fi?

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