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Fibonacci af

Rang3r Elmo

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Rang3r Elmo

For the first time in the history of the world, today's cc got deep and we started talking about random shit that blows our minds.  Someone asked a "why do the majority of lifeforms on Earth all have 2 eyes and a nose and a mouth"  kind of question which is cool imo and kind of a neat thought.  Randomly I thought of this video and since some fetishy FOE have a propensity for chess which is math-based I figured I'd post something that really jerks me off intellectually.



^^ disregarding their assumption that this is 100% proof of a divine (although it sure could be if that's what you're into), this is a pretty fucking neat 2 minute vid






some baller created a community college class final about how Tool composed a song that builds off of fibonacci.  Never really gotten into their jams but wow this is so fucking smart





Feel free to hijack this topic by claiming how 13 defence is better than one since it's a fibonacci number, I know how you are foe.  Also if anyone has cool trippy thoughts- type videos please post in a reply, I'm nearly exclusively doing NMZ the next few days in Scape and would appreciate any sort of stimulation.

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People looking for patterns can find patterns where they please.


Bonesaw -> Bone -> Bone is White -> Snow is White -> Snow is Water -> Tears are Water -> TLP cry tears each weekend -> Illuminati Confirmed

Edited by Elliot
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Its zeh noob

Lot's of Fibonacci in architecture as it's aesthetically pleasing, but most of the shit in the video is far fetched.

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a lecturer of mine mentioned fibonacci.


the spirals/circular shapes can be found in a lot of places in nature from what i can tell. dope shit fam.

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