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Ancient Curses Concept | Thoughts?


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PkOwnz Medic

I miss turmoil





I wouldn't get def or pray on my account though. On my 25 def though I would go all out depending on what happens.

id legit buy you 95 prayer if you got it on your 1 def



but i wouldn't be 1 def after that, the only thing that matters on my acc.


Most people on here probably don't care about pvm but soulsplit would completely destroy pvm, I wouldn't mind the rest but I think it's just an unnecessary power creep. I'd like to see them add more situational stuff rather than straight up increasing the damage of everything (the new amulets are a good example, BIS att bonuses but no def bonuses).

this, and no turmoil for pures mains only plz


If only... Upvoted though


it would probably not even pass 50% in the voting poll


it would probably not even pass 50% in the voting poll

Voting poll thing is stupid




go play rs3

Its zeh noob

Remove item protection from the ancient spellbook. If you want better prayers you'd have to risk it.


I would personally prefer summoning and chaotics but this reworked curses seems pretty balanced compared to what they used to be so why not


so basically we are no further then we were ages ago? "it can be done"


It's a sign



it would probably not even pass 50% in the voting poll

Voting poll thing is stupid




I would personally prefer summoning and chaotics but this reworked curses seems pretty balanced compared to what they used to be so why not



Dam new fag foes the game isnt interesting anymore cause you need to give it a break lol go outside get some fresh air maybe get a job so you can make some money take a girl out--who am i kidding, just fuck off you new fag lil cunt pussies..if ya know whats good for ya lol

Why would somebody who has never had curses, want curses. Your point, whatever it's supposed to be, is misguided and I don't see what you're trying to achieve.


Dam new fag foes the game isnt interesting anymore cause you need to give it a break lol go outside get some fresh air maybe get a job so you can make some money take a girl out--who am i kidding, just fuck off you new fag lil cunt pussies..if ya know whats good for ya lol


not sure if trolling or has the same debilitating mental disorder as maaku




Dam new fag foes the game isnt interesting anymore cause you need to give it a break lol go outside get some fresh air maybe get a job so you can make some money take a girl out--who am i kidding, just fuck off you new fag lil cunt pussies..if ya know whats good for ya lol

Why would somebody who has never had curses, want curses. Your point, whatever it's supposed to be, is misguided and I don't see what you're trying to achieve.

Man my rs3 account was maxed out runepure with 95 pray i also had maxed out 99 att n str with 60 def with turm, i used to shred every dumb ass pure that went in wild your just fucking yourself with these stupid updates that are toxic to the game trust me i played all versions of game these stupid updates are why it failed in first place


It failed because somebody said "let's change the entire game to make it like world of warcraft".


When these "stupid" updates were around Runescape was at it's most popular.

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