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Balanced Summoning Concept | Thoughts?


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You new fag lil cunts need to fuck off lol

Summoning was added 15th January 2008

Thanks for your support

After the true owner sold the game to idiots that updated the wild into bounty hunter craters-- which was prob when your dumb ass started playing lol RIP 12/10/07


Jagex was sold in 2012, the year EoC came out, thanks for your opinion

Posted (edited)

Yeah @@Fred I saw your opinion on the other page, but you're wrong and I hate you

Interested in generating a conversation about summoning as its something i'm personally split on, but the majority of our glorious members who have said No have decided that the limit of their reasoning is a 2 character response.. sigh

hate you too btw

Edited by Mighty_Irwin




Would rather this server stayed closer to the 'oldschool' style and time period. Also i don't particularly like summoning or the way its trained so its a no from me.

This game isn't supposed to be oldschool, the longer it stays old school the slower it grows.


If they'd polled 2011scape we'd have a much larger dev team because the vote percentage would have been higher


but i would rather it be oldschool, its a personal opinion. Not like i would quit if summoning came out i just prefer the game without it


Today I am near Jagex HQ once again. Perhaps I can present to them this idea wearing my FOE hat and cape.

100m and I'll do it ;)


If they add Summoning to the game, i'll def be back and make a pure lol

0o Pk R 0o

If they add Summoning to the game, i'll def be back and make a pure lol


Its zeh noob
Posted (edited)

OSRS will slowly die with or without summoning. Simply stating that the game died/thrived due to summoning only is impossible.




Clanning was huge for 5 years with summoning and almost tiny in comparison pre-summoning.



Look at OSRS, without summoning, clanning is slowly but surely dying.

The thing I don't get about people saying no is that for 4 years of it being out everybody loved it. It was the numerous graphical and other updates which everybody despised which slowly killed the game. 


While I can appreciate certain reasons for not wanting summoning, it seems weird that people are attributing all the other bad aspects of Pre-Eoc unto summoning, when it just wasn't the case, and would be so far from the truth if it were reworked properly to fit with the Old School meta.



It would change the multi scene, u can stand chance to mains who don't have summoning. About the meds/zerks, they don't have 16 brews already in their inventory? lmfao


I don't think that the numerous graphical updates killed the game, it were the numerous game changing updates like summoning, dungeoneering and player curses that killed the game. Altough I loved summoning, mainly because others were shit at it and therefore gave me a chance to be better in the game, it changed the game too much. A couple of game changing updates don't really matter, but all of them make an entirely different game. 

Edited by Its zeh noob

OSRS will slowly die with or without summoning. Simply stating that the game died/thrived due to summoning only is impossible.




Clanning was huge for 5 years with summoning and almost tiny in comparison pre-summoning.



Look at OSRS, without summoning, clanning is slowly but surely dying.

The thing I don't get about people saying no is that for 4 years of it being out everybody loved it. It was the numerous graphical and other updates which everybody despised which slowly killed the game. 


While I can appreciate certain reasons for not wanting summoning, it seems weird that people are attributing all the other bad aspects of Pre-Eoc unto summoning, when it just wasn't the case, and would be so far from the truth if it were reworked properly to fit with the Old School meta.



It would change the multi scene, u can stand chance to mains who don't have summoning. About the meds/zerks, they don't have 16 brews already in their inventory? lmfao


I don't think that the numerous graphical updates killed the game, it were the numerous game changing updates like summoning, dungeoneering and player curses that killed the game. Altough I loved summoning, mainly because others were shit at it and therefore gave me a chance to be better in the game, it changed the game too much. A couple of game changing updates don't really matter, but all of them make an entirely different game. 

It's a very loose comparison, not attributing it to summoning.


Runescape increased in population and popularity at an extreme rate from 2008-2012. The major update that upset people was the early 2012 Graphical update followed by Evolution of Combat. OSRS has a much lower population and very minimal replay value, there's just so much less to do and less for people to experience and have fun with.


Anyone that started Runescape between 2008-2012 would miss the things that were there when they played. I sure don't miss any of the boring old gameplay from 2006 when I started, my favourite year was 2011 by a country mile.





No fucking summoning.









No fucking summoning.




Plz no.




if you say no, tell us why noobs



I'd rather not have meds/zerks running around at easts/graves/chins with pack yaks (aka 10+ Brews)


It would change the multi scene, u can stand chance to mains who don't have summoning. About the meds/zerks, they don't have 16 brews already in their inventory? lmfao


Exactly, they'd have like 25+.


No no no no

Clan fights with summoning looked freaking horrible. No experience with it myself cause I quit a few months after summoning came out.

Just no...


No fucking summoning.

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