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Poll the polling system.


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I would like to see it get reduced to about 60-70%, at the current state of 75% nothing new will get introduced to the game that catered to the pre-eoc era. All these new concepts of Ancient curses or Summoning as of lately, even things like D-claws, Chaotics, Corrupted, etc will never get introduced at the current state of the community. 


Lets face it. Majority of the community is whiners. Imo they don't want something they don't see themselves being able to obtain (90M for turm/summ,etc). I understand some people are truly not interested in these aspects of the game but those that are shouldn't have to not be able to enjoy these things because majority of the community refuses to accept some decent changes to the game.


TL;DR - Make the polling system 60-70%, maybe even 60-65% so new content has a chance to enter the game.


Just my thoughts.


60% is good but won't happen cuz they are all retards


I live 25 mins from Jagex HQ....


75% is fine, anything lower than that is just too low. Most of the things you listed won't make it into the game simply because they don't fit in 07 and would mess up the current balance.


75% is fine, anything lower than that is just too low. Most of the things you listed won't make it into the game simply because they don't fit in 07 and would mess up the current balance.

all pure update were like between 55-70% ...

Posted (edited)

75% is fine, anything lower than that is just too low. Most of the things you listed won't make it into the game simply because they don't fit in 07 and would mess up the current balance.


What about any of the things I mentioned not fit the balance of 07? D-claws are not nearly as strong as AGS in terms of kill potential, Turmoil is 2 or 3+ stronger than piety, Summoning was introduced in 2008. What about any of these things would not work in 07? As I stated, some of the things could be altered to work for 07 cause I won't say some of the things balanced. SS for example could be nerfed from its previous state. Wouldn't break the game one bit imo. It would change the game, yes, but would it break the game? Or make it unbalanced as you say? No, not at all.

Edited by Tevin'


75% is fine, anything lower than that is just too low. Most of the things you listed won't make it into the game simply because they don't fit in 07 and would mess up the current balance.

all pure update were like between 55-70% ...


That's a whole another issue, the community hates pures but lowering the pass threshold isn't the way to go, they could put a defence level restriction on pure related questions but that can be easily manipulated.

Posted (edited)


75% is fine, anything lower than that is just too low. Most of the things you listed won't make it into the game simply because they don't fit in 07 and would mess up the current balance.


What about any of the things I mentioned not fit the balance of 07? D-claws are not nearly as strong as AGS in terms of kill potential, Turmoil is 2 or 3+ stronger than piety, Summoning was introduced in 2008. What about any of these things would not work in 07? As I stated, some of the things could be altered to work for 07 cause I won't say some of the things balanced. SS for example could be nerfed from its previous state. Wouldn't break the game one bit imo. It would change the game, yes, but would it break the game? Or make it unbalanced as you say? No, not at all.


If claws aren't as good as AGS then why do people want them so bad? (which isn't true, they're on par DPS wise, if not better) Why not just vote a new weapon in the game instead? The extra 3 max hits from Turmoil make a difference over time, a couple more melee updates and you can hit 90's with an ags. Even a nerfed version of SS would completely change the PVP and mainly PVM balance, I'm all for new content as long as it's well balanced.

Edited by Encre



75% is fine, anything lower than that is just too low. Most of the things you listed won't make it into the game simply because they don't fit in 07 and would mess up the current balance.


What about any of the things I mentioned not fit the balance of 07? D-claws are not nearly as strong as AGS in terms of kill potential, Turmoil is 2 or 3+ stronger than piety, Summoning was introduced in 2008. What about any of these things would not work in 07? As I stated, some of the things could be altered to work for 07 cause I won't say some of the things balanced. SS for example could be nerfed from its previous state. Wouldn't break the game one bit imo. It would change the game, yes, but would it break the game? Or make it unbalanced as you say? No, not at all.


If claws aren't as good as AGS then why do people want them so bad? (which isn't true, they're on par DPS wise, if not better) Why not just vote a new weapon in the game instead? The extra 3 max hits from Turmoil make a difference over time, a couple more melee updates and you can hit 90's with an ags. Even a nerfed version of SS would completely change the PVP and mainly PVM balance, I'm all for new content as long as it's well balanced.




Claws are easily countered though. All you have to do is throw on a p-neck :|.

Posted (edited)

Calling people whiners as you whine lol

I think its fine. Plenty of content has passed with the 75 rule

Edited by Mighty_Irwin

Calling people whiners as you whiner.

I think its fine. Plenty of content has passed with the 75 rule


What did i whine about :S?


Calling people whiners as you whiner.

I think its fine. Plenty of content has passed with the 75 rule

What did i whine about :S?

the polling system

I would be able to afford summ/chaotics/turm. Ignorant of you to generalize like that, but I understand the frustration of those players who want 09 scape.

I simply don't want them to come back as I can honestly say I really like the game as it is. Pking is the way I always liked it the most, skilling is more fun than it's ever been aswell. I like this new era of RS and don't want to start moving back to the way everything was before eoc. There's probably a good 1500-2000h of potential content for me left, all of this is in addition to clan events.

I know alot of people say there's no content in the game, but there really is... As pures we chose to limit ourselves, but there's still so much content in the game if you're actually interested in playing the content the game has to offer.

This is just my perspective, it's probably different from the vast majority, but I'm happy without those aforementioned updates.


^ x100000




Calling people whiners as you whiner.

I think its fine. Plenty of content has passed with the 75 rule

What did i whine about :S?

the polling system



No whining was involved in my opening statement bro, but ok.


I would be able to afford summ/chaotics/turm. Ignorant of you to generalize like that, but I understand the frustration of those players who want 09 scape.

I simply don't want them to come back as I can honestly say I really like the game as it is. Pking is the way I always liked it the most, skilling is more fun than it's ever been aswell. I like this new era of RS and don't want to start moving back to the way everything was before eoc. There's probably a good 1500-2000h of potential content for me left, all of this is in addition to clan events.

I know alot of people say there's no content in the game, but there really is... As pures we chose to limit ourselves, but there's still so much content in the game if you're actually interested in playing the content the game has to offer.

This is just my perspective, it's probably different from the vast majority, but I'm happy without those aforementioned updates.


I feel that was a pretty accurate generalization though tbf lmao, I did state that, I know some people generally don't want it for reasons other than that which I can understand and I agree with you that we are limiting ourselves as pure's. From a straight PvP aspect though, I welcome any updates tbh.




75% is fine, anything lower than that is just too low. Most of the things you listed won't make it into the game simply because they don't fit in 07 and would mess up the current balance.

all pure update were like between 55-70% ...


That's a whole another issue, the community hates pures but lowering the pass threshold isn't the way to go, they could put a defence level restriction on pure related questions but that can be easily manipulated.


ye and that has to be polled aswell so wont happen?


Can always get a few thousand castle wars tickets for extra items l0l.

I just want PvP armour/weapons back!!


75% is fine, anything lower than that is just too low. Most of the things you listed won't make it into the game simply because they don't fit in 07 and would mess up the current balance.

all pure update were like between 55-70% ...

That's a whole another issue, the community hates pures but lowering the pass threshold isn't the way to go, they could put a defence level restriction on pure related questions but that can be easily manipulated.

ye and that has to be polled aswell so wont happen?
poll the poll!

I live 25 mins from Jagex HQ....


Smash up whoever said "EoC is gud idea" please

More suggestions like this and we will slowly progress towards EoC happening again.


75% is fine, anything lower than that is just too low. Most of the things you listed won't make it into the game simply because they don't fit in 07 and would mess up the current balance.


What about any of the things I mentioned not fit the balance of 07? D-claws are not nearly as strong as AGS in terms of kill potential, Turmoil is 2 or 3+ stronger than piety, Summoning was introduced in 2008. What about any of these things would not work in 07? As I stated, some of the things could be altered to work for 07 cause I won't say some of the things balanced. SS for example could be nerfed from its previous state. Wouldn't break the game one bit imo. It would change the game, yes, but would it break the game? Or make it unbalanced as you say? No, not at all.

If claws aren't as good as AGS then why do people want them so bad? (which isn't true, they're on par DPS wise, if not better) Why not just vote a new weapon in the game instead? The extra 3 max hits from Turmoil make a difference over time, a couple more melee updates and you can hit 90's with an ags. Even a nerfed version of SS would completely change the PVP and mainly PVM balance, I'm all for new content as long as it's well balanced.



Claws are easily countered though. All you have to do is throw on a p-neck :|.


60% is good but won't happen cuz they are all retards


75% is a healthy percentage tbh, they want to make sure a nice majority approves


Can always get a few thousand castle wars tickets for extra items l0l.

I just want PvP armour/weapons back!!

Pvp Armour/weps is the #1 thing

75% is a healthy percentage tbh, they want to make sure a nice majority approves

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