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This is the reason we have over 80+ members during a trip, and they have like what, 40 members? 


Real pures know what clan to join.


Even if we had 10 members, I wouldn't want those scum in the same clan as myself. 30+ def is not a pure anymore.

Ready Ok FOE

remember when 07 pure clans were 1-25 defence? pepperidge farm remembers


they will make out it gives them an advantage to get def on their pures ... then show up on mains ... then lose every week anyway


yea, great advantage


 they have no shame in calling themselves a pure clan.


FOE allows 20 def 




Why people getting mad over these 30 def kids. Its not that they can beat us when we pull 100+ each fucking weekend. l0l. I know a few lads from those addy/main clans aswell, and the only things they tell me is how we steamroll them each fucking weekend. You know why? 100 pulls thats why. g fucking g



6.Do you plan on joining EoP and why do you want to if so?:
Yes, I go to trips on my main and once my pure is done I'll attend on that. Fun community too.




also, not surprised lol


to be fair mains own pures so it must be fun to do


that being said they still lose so ye


Hey guys I think we all should get 39 def!!1!!!11!


jeez fools should just all get 45 def and become a zerker clan at this point. theyre out-classed


They let people in their clan with "pures in the making"


and i was about to get 39 defence on my 21 def pure. lmaooo good thing i didnt, damn that'd be awkward... 


fucking pathetic

Kez the goat

EOP & TLP main city always has been


lol fkn losers

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