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Augury and rigour


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cant wait aye


prayers unlocked from some sort of tradable scroll reward, there is still hope


likely will have a def req. definitely dope they can be acquired through a trade-able scroll tho

Farm 4 Fame

meh i don't like them too much wheres turm/ss lawl 


I don't think OSRS needs this... people started playing because of the old school element 


I don't think OSRS needs this... people started playing because of the old school element

agreed 101%


rip lmfao... 






rip lmao was about the prayers


 tagged u cause u were asking bout the prayers the other day on TS


next step it turmoil and ss xd

I'd make a turmoil pure tomorrow if they brought it out lmao 


I just want to make money on my main LOL


I don't think OSRS needs this... people started playing because of the old school element 

A game that doesn't move forward is bound to die fast.



I don't think OSRS needs this... people started playing because of the old school element 

A game that doesn't move forward is bound to die fast.



I agree, but this seems a little too overpowered and was the same direction that RS3 took before the combat system was too bias and had to be reworked 


Augury and Rigour...hell naw

Posted (edited)


Edited by Mortuls


I don't think OSRS needs this... people started playing because of the old school element 

A game that doesn't move forward is bound to die fast.


This and pking is dead if they dont make changes soon the wilderness will be completely empty


Time to get 85 prayer o wait im 99 


next step it turmoil and ss xd

pls no lol

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