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Uaex V Jad

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Uaex V Jad: Everyone Is Mortal

(Click To Watch)

End of the year is near :) I had a few proper clips saved on my pc from over the last 2 months =) And spent a good ammount of time into editting it. Its all pvp, I dont like BH so much, too many people whine when you attack them, pray, teleport...

My oppinions about pvping:

* No Teleporting
* Farcasting Allowed
* Smite allowed in any case
* No Dm, unless stated before the fight
* Praying only unless being prayed on first
* No Pjing (in some cases I might have a second pker with me solely to teleblock, I dont see that as a pj)

Avarage Risk/Gear

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Video Information

Length: 8:07
Editted: Vegas Pro 8.0
Songs: Can be found in the end of the video

Pk Video 4: Everyone Is Mortal (click image below)


Previous Video's

Pk Video 3: Lifestyle
Created & Editted by Alex|Uaex

Pk Video 2: Combo Breaker
Created & Editted by Bonesaw

Pk Video 1:

Created & Editted by Bonesaw

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Hmm,  Risking, variation, hybriding was top, (what most vids lack) - lots of good hits and good kills.

But too many noob fights, you down alot of noobs, ex welfare ****** rangers who dont really fight back, with relatively low hit KOs, which gets pretty boring, especially as ones expectations are really high.

abit over usage of miasmic for my liking, when u are fighting underdogs anyway, like if u were at drags, out numbered, or fighting higher lvls etc, but yeah rather less risk and more intense battles imo, further away from bank, deeper wild etc. perhaps a few multi clips, being the underdog team.

music wasnt my type but was fine i guess. perhaps u should consider using antifire pots hah :p


Watching now

EDIT: Rofl, 1:36 i make a little appearance and take the moral highground LOL


Hd needs to come out guys, if u wait like 30 mins? Idk how long it takes, but vid is in FULL HD quality made :)


You're best vid by far really enjoyed it, hope for more of this :)


Very nice! The best one yet :)  :)


my penis just dribbled some jizz i think


good vid but

needs more and bigger hits

try get some 60+ dds specs on vid :nice:

u gotta get zerker (i)

its ownage m8


Loved it, very nice risks :)


Hmm,  Risking, variation, hybriding was top, (what most vids lack) - lots of good hits and good kills.

But too many noob fights, you down alot of noobs, ex welfare ****** rangers who dont really fight back, with relatively low hit KOs, which gets pretty boring, especially as ones expectations are really high.

abit over usage of miasmic for my liking, when u are fighting underdogs anyway, like if u were at drags, out numbered, or fighting higher lvls etc, but yeah rather less risk and more intense battles imo, further away from bank, deeper wild etc. perhaps a few multi clips, being the underdog team.

music wasnt my type but was fine i guess. perhaps u should consider using antifire pots hah :p

I wouldnt risk such gear at drags :p maybe master wand, but not more.

Thing is, i fight basically everyone I meet at varrock, some people didnt fight back, but I had a pretty badass fight with Xithung from MM for example, and hes a few lvls higher ^^  I dont run from people, few exceptions are lvl 90'ish rangers nigger rangers. Else Id stay usually.

My next vid might be drags :p I want a dual vid


Great vid man nice risks and hits 5/5

Lol 10 replies while I wrote this ;)


BEAST Video, nice hybriding, variation and risks.

Good job. 5/5.


Sweet Vid, A Great watch.

Loved the what was that? and the Hooded bit rofl.


My next vid might be drags :p I want a dual vid

If only i bothered viding the last 4 years!

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