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Need something to no life for dragon claws


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Current bank whip+1.5mil.... Just want some opinons of what I should no life for next few days  :victory:

I got 81-82 Range by blue dragons and only made 4Mil and it's slow cash  (n)

Stats(82 Range 45 Defence 76 attack 88 strength 94 magic)

Thanks in advance  :wub:


Hill giants k


76 attack start over

Justin|1 PureDevil

Mort myre fungus.


Mort myre fungus.

ye u can do it cos u done nature spirit, just get 50 con if u dont already and ur sorrrtted  :nice: gl


@ Criti, nice life

@76 attack start over, getting 99 but thanks l0l

@Justin thanks for not trolling but Morts are really boring and I think don't sell

@Mulatta small world :(

Still open for suggestions, please post :)


Hill giants k

That was my money maker back in 07

Do fungus or hunt


93 hunting but haven't hunted in like 7 months lmao any idea how much p/h it is now? I'm a bad hunter so give me low rate :p


93 hunting but haven't hunted in like 7 months lmao any idea how much p/h it is now? I'm a bad hunter so give me low rate :p

hunt dragon implings, 800k+ p/h


your 93 hunting..? obviously hunt for cash then.


93 hunter.. That wasn't too hard. you'll make like 5 sets of claws in 5 days LOL


I'd just go green drags.. fast money and good training


Dragon Implings. (83hunt)

Dragon boots . (83slayer)


Dragon Implings. (83hunt)

Dragon boots . (83slayer)

^ best so far 

do some gwd bandos trips and spiritual mage camping


46 Slayer l0l

and so far I guess I'll be doing dragon hunting once I find good and a bit of blue dragons

since greens are WAY to crowded.


Hunt definately


You could try anvensies or mort myre fungi.

You will have to of started natures spirit but you will not have to complete it,they are 1k each fungi.

Also,if you have around 5-10m you can try flipping,because thats a small ammount of cash only expect to make around 500k a day,buy add in avansies which i average 400k an hour there,it's worth it ;)

Have fun ;)


hunter...went from 52-61m bank value in a day of hunting imps.

Nuff said? AGS in 10 days from now im hoping..


kill chickens and pick up feathers to 99 atk str def, fish with them for 200m fish xp, then hunt sharks, and sell. 987987 years later you'll have claws.


Make Fruitfall scrolls, 2m/hour

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