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whats the fastest way to train magic now? i got the cash i just want 94 magic. what do i alch and shit


WATER + AIR Battlestaffs for minimal loss.

Or maple long (u)


tried buying all 3 but couldnt :(


Fastest is stunning but go to ge and try yourself and find a good alch


WATER + AIR Battlestaffs for minimal loss.

Or maple long (u)

if you happen to choose making air orbs, and making them into the staffs to alch(albeit that's probably slower then what you want to do), you're welcome to join me. I have 65k more to make.


i assumed i just buy the staffs and alch? but i guess not.

cba to make them then alch or anything

idc about loss just want a fast way.


Alchs are the same exp no matter what you alch.. so pretty much, just alch anything with not too much loss, Maple Longs(u) are good as people have said.


yes battle staffs  :)


burst in mm tunnels/rocklobs if u want charms


omg deathawait.

if youre only looking for speed, and got plenty of cash. just stun-alch. and what does it matter what to buy. if your only looking for speed you can buy various type of bows/armour etc

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