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To get that AGS...

R U S H E Rz

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Haider Foe its been a while, ive been playing WoW and got a bit bored of it so im hunting for an ags now.

Dont have a screenie of my first day, but went from 52-60m or so  :o

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Tuesday, Day one of hunting.


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Wednesday, Day two of hunting.


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Thursday, Day three of hunting.


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Friday, Day four of hunting. New years day..barely played at all.


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Saturday, Day five of hunting


Started to merchant/flip now, if my items work ill be getting a few extra M per day.


Shouldnt be too hard, i made 9m in my first day and i was kind of clueless at the imps place lol.

Btw this is Turtlenizer o.O saw you with astro in bh worlds...remember? :)


goodluck. wish i had the patience lol


It's 124m now btw but good luck.

All i'm gonna say is AGS is way overrated and sucks.


What do you use then sam?


Gl, your making great progress shouldnt take you to long tbh lol :P


Just after I took the 2nd screenie went and made 1m before I went to bed.

2nd screenie should be about 68.2m or so.


Edit: Hey Dutch I see your reading this thread, your vid 5 inspired me! <3


Will update at the end of the day, hoping to go from 68-75m or so.

R U S H E Rz


Also will not make much today as I will be out all day.

Sox for teh treeeeeeple post.


Yea gl with AGS seems like imp hunting is going pretty well for you never liked it myself

Jake l Pjing

Gl on AGS, you're making money pretty fast. I could never make 125m, I'd get too bored hunting 24/7. Maybe farm while hunting? Do a ranarr run, then hunt for 70 mins then do another run. The farming will make some good money on the side.


gl on a simliar goal myself but wont be hunting, 43 hunter =[


sorry to say it but ags is over rated..

i'd use that money on something more usefull

R U S H E Rz

@69i: I can always sell it afterwards, amirite?


ags wrecks bitches

R U S H E Rz

Icwutudidthar wutang.

Was out between 1pm-10pm today for new years day stupid parents made me :( Only managed to get about 3m today + my internet died last night during a storm :(

Updated pic for today, nothing good...


fuck off i never find imps and im 99 hunt....................


Goodluck on the imps :)


fuck off i never find imps and im 99 hunt....................

i find em all the time and im 80.

R U S H E Rz

Elliot just fails at imping :) there's plenty of them around you just don't know where to loooooooook >.>


fuck off i never find imps and im 99 hunt....................

hunter bot?  :whistle:

good luck ur must be pro imp hunter cuz i suck lol


nice soon ull have ags :)

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