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Runescapes richest players


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Yo i thought some of you might be interested in seeing some of the richest players ever in runescape, the real ones

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And the single richest player in whole of rs history confirmed by friends, people who knew him at the time is..

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The guy aboves name was Pker Tdm, he made his money from phat duping; so im not sure if you can really call him the richest as he cheated. His bank is worth ~80B

These are definitely 100% genuine banks, most people are banned now. I believe most of them made theyre money from staking

Anyone else got any more :o?

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reminds me of the staking era ;(

Guest Emote|Muse

pker tdm is a fake. go in paint for yourself and look



pretty shitty fake

I do wish you would read it, he phat duped it in classic. It is not fake

Guest Emote|Muse

pretty shitty fake

I do wish you would read it, he phat duped it in classic. It is not fake

Because claiming they duped in classic changes the fact that there's no shadow under any rare and there is under any non rare?

You're fucking dull.


pretty shitty fake

I do wish you would read it, he phat duped it in classic. It is not fake

Because claiming they duped in classic changes the fact that there's no shadow under any rare and there is under any non rare?

You're fucking dull.



Some of them are older then rs.

Guest Emote|Muse

pretty shitty fake

I do wish you would read it, he phat duped it in classic. It is not fake

Because claiming they duped in classic changes the fact that there's no shadow under any rare and there is under any non rare?

You're fucking dull.


Hmm. That's a bit strange actually. I'll wait for my friend to get back on lol he's the one that told me the original one was fake.

pretty shitty fake

I do wish you would read it, he phat duped it in classic. It is not fake

Because claiming they duped in classic changes the fact that there's no shadow under any rare and there is under any non rare?

You're fucking dull.


Hmm. That's a bit strange actually. I'll wait for my friend to get back on lol he's the one that told me the original one was fake.

I get prooven wrong so i make up aload of bullshit.


pretty shitty fake

I do wish you would read it, he phat duped it in classic. It is not fake

Because claiming they duped in classic changes the fact that there's no shadow under any rare and there is under any non rare?

You're fucking dull.


Hmm. That's a bit strange actually. I'll wait for my friend to get back on lol he's the one that told me the original one was fake.

I get prooven wrong so i make up aload of bullshit.

epic win too pur3,


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Look @ top, that's mopar ain't it?


good ol' staking days when there were trade limit :x


Heh I sold Duke Freedom my white partyhat for 6m shortly after RS2 came out. Then he got banned a few days later for RWT.

Most of these people were stakers who got banned for RWT or X-logging while staking. R2Pleasant still sells gold lols.


Dang... That PkerTDM guy is ridicules lol.

If I would have one of those accounts, would sell it for $1000+ to some idiot on ebay who would buy lol.


There's a guy in KO with probably 10 Bill+

Chessy's probably in the top 10 richest in RS, but she's not number 1.


Nice, the skillers are nice


Grr these make me mad lol


Damn trade limit....

those are some impressive pictures.

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