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Question concering my stats


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I made a pure with the intention of making it a low level ags pure pking unskulled at first. My dilemma is i dont want to make my account like that anymore but i have already got 64 attack. Do you guys think its too late to just leave my attack there and be a dds pure? attached my current stats.



stats ltdrush.png


erm I would go 70 attack build 64 is pretty much retarded to keep it there, with 70 you'll get stuff such as barrows weapons, sara sword, bludgeon etc.


Or starting again :p


was thinking that but then at the same time would see it nearly as pointless to not just go to 75 :/ ill maybe go 70 and stick there for a while. thanks.


Only 1 CB level difference so in pvp worlds it wouldn't really matter, maybe try Pking at 64 then go 75 if you get bored


yeah deffo train the attack up


max out 75att for the clan :D + make new pure with like 50att :b

Kez the goat

Go 70 or 75


thanks for the replies, i plan to go 70 for now and see how that works and possibly make a low level pure while doing so. And ofcourse the plan is to join the clan ;)


if ur just looking to clan go 99 atk 30 def my nigga


60 or 99. Nothin inbetween.



1 hour ago, RobinJ said:

60 or 99. Nothin inbetween.




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