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Robyn| lnch

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Should I get Dragon Claws ? I'd have to change alott about my pure.

My stats of right now,                         

50 attack                                           

97 Str, 5 def                                         

31 prayer                                           

99 range                                               

84 Hp, 82 magic                                   


Basically, should I get the dragon claws? And If I do get dragon claws, should I get 45 prayer ? With 45 prayer, should I pk with Dscim to DClaws orr Range-Claws. Do you guys know what quests I need to do to level up my prayer to 45?

YAhhhhh lots of questions , replies are appreciateddd


Ahh wtf, revise this please..I can't read broken english :(


There lol,


if you can afford claws then get them and stay 31 prayer.


Yeah, get dragon claws.

You realise you're going to need 60 attack if you want to use them yeah?


yeah hahaha im not that sloww, what about prayer? Is MM even doable without prayer?


i've done mm on a lvl 39 with 1 prayer, and my 65 with 13 prayer, so it's very do-able


Is MM even doable without prayer?


na rejoin foe and come pk f2p with me again :d


D claws are good, but idk g maul seems legit.  Tough decision


Well I got membs now , so any other opinions? Especially on prayer?


Only use range if your range is max for your cb lvl/set up

if your getting 45 Pray then train range and use range-D Claw


I got 99 range


IMO just keep 50 attack, but if you dont like it i suppose you should get 60. If you get 60 always try it out with 31 prayer because if you get 60 then 45 and dont try it you might be missing alot out :O

Jake l Pjing

1. Get claws.

2. Stay 31 prayer, trust me.

3. Do cbow or rune knives to claws. You'll get some nice KOs.


Okay thanks , completing Monkey Madness right now. But Just in case I do deicide to get prayer, do you guys know what quests that give prayer that are neccessary for a pure?


only get 60 attack and d claws if you're bored of 50 att. if you do get 60 attack it's up to you if you either range-claws or scim-claws, use what you find the most enjoying..

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