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Power training range?

I Pk Ona Mac

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I Pk Ona Mac

Ever since the unlimited stock was removed I've had problems getting bronze arrows to power train range at caged ogres. Any suggestions on other methods i can do that doesn't require as many arrows? or...what to do about the arrow problem?

Note: It takes like 2 days for the varrock store to restock to 1k bronze arrows.


Correct me if i'm wrong but there are several shops that sell Bronze arrows, surely if you raid them all you could build up quite a large amount.


I could buy 6K bronze arrows of the G.E about a month ago, i got lucky :). Normally i smith iron knives myself, as you do not mage a huge loss. (I got 16K Iron knives from level 22 to 40 smithing).


i bought 50k iron arrows not too long ago so those sell.

I Pk Ona Mac

Correct me if i'm wrong but there are several shops that sell Bronze arrows, surely if you raid them all you could build up quite a large amount.

Nope only varrock, really.

And i guess I'll try buying iron arrows.


This item can also be bought or sold at:

Lowe's Archery Emporium in central Varrock.

Gulluck's Weapon shop in the 3rd floor of the Grand Tree in Tree Gnome Stronghold for 7 coins each.

General store on the first floor of the tree gnome village.

Catherby archery store.

Ogre training ground store.

Ranging guild general store.

They are also received when eating a skewered kebab, which can be bought from in the Poison Arrow pub.

Ardougne General Store.

Locations taken from the Runescape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScape

I Pk Ona Mac

This item can also be bought or sold at:

Lowe's Archery Emporium in central Varrock.

Gulluck's Weapon shop in the 3rd floor of the Grand Tree in Tree Gnome Stronghold for 7 coins each.

General store on the first floor of the tree gnome village.

Catherby archery store.

Ogre training ground store.

Ranging guild general store.

They are also received when eating a skewered kebab, which can be bought from in the Poison Arrow pub.

Ardougne General Store.

Locations taken from the Runescape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScape



This item can also be bought or sold at:

Lowe's Archery Emporium in central Varrock.

Gulluck's Weapon shop in the 3rd floor of the Grand Tree in Tree Gnome Stronghold for 7 coins each.

General store on the first floor of the tree gnome village.

Catherby archery store.

Ogre training ground store.

Ranging guild general store.

They are also received when eating a skewered kebab, which can be bought from in the Poison Arrow pub.

Ardougne General Store.

Locations taken from the Runescape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScape


I don't now if the stores regeneration rates are linked though  :mellow:.


Pretty sure each store has it's own stock.


try the bronze arrow re spawn in the wilderness.


Soul wars is great ... if you can find a tie world, and get into a game. I would recommend iron knives against hill giants, as the accumulator won't pick the knives up again at the caged ogres, so you will only need 20 to 40K iron knives to get 90 ranged. After 90 ranged soul wars can be at good way to get xp. Soul wars is the new pest control, so don't think about going back to the fail-boat.

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