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What brought you to the pure scene?


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Posted (edited)

THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CLANNING. I'm simply asking what made you make a pure in the first place. 




Here's a nice little topic for discussion.




For me:


I was killed by a pure in f2p named "Most Dreaded" some time in 2005 or 2006 I cannot remember. He was respectful and wished me good luck and good fight. After it was all said and done, I curiously added him and he gladly explained what he had created: a killing machine with high offense and no defence. A simple Range/2h pure these days. The dude is an old friend of mine, and the godfather of the original range/2h f2p pures. I eventually created a range/2h pure myself and pked with him, newbeme, and a few other niggas I can't even remember. Here's a really old vid of him the quality is potato though


Edited by Colin
Posted (edited)

edit: thought it was about clanning

Edited by Liam

I Mahatma I and only him honestly. Loved his vids back in the day, then slowly started getting into pures and clanning since ~2007-2008 or so but never started up until FOE


My mates and I would make low level mage pures to pk at varrock wildy when we were 12-13, not sure if thats the pure scene tho.

As for making a proper pure, probably this guy;



I don't think it was just 1 person, but when I was really young I used to create low lvl pures with mage and just go to varrock multi and wind bolt kids.


I guess I stuck with one of the accounts and got more stats.


Basically around 2008/2009 I started noticing FOE on Youtube and watched the majority of the videos uploaded on their Youtube channel at the time. I quickly became interested in pures after watching the likes of Uaex V Jad and Bonesaw upload their PK videos. However, I never managed to get myself to make a pure that would meet the requirements because I wasn't able to grind out stats like I am able to today. It has always been my "dream" to join FOE because I admired them when I was younger. You might have noticed that this forum account was created back in 2009, but I only made an application in November 2015.


Here are my favourite videos related to FOE:

(I've watched this one probably around 50+ times since the first time)





I was always shit at runescape. After my main got banned for telling someone I was going to throw jewish throwing stars at him (true story, I really haven't changed since I was 12), and I mean like perm-banned (jagex was weird back in the day), I started a new account, True Whip.

I did what I enjoyed on RS. Always been about community and not gameplay for me. I would spend hours and hours cutting mages w88 and fletching. Eventually I was like eh I'm gonna alch em too. So, really I was a glorified skiller who happened to be training mage because of my alchs. Anywho, eventually got all the way up to like 89 WC and 85 mage. 

Used to watch a few youtube vids, and I was big on Yankin Deez. Then I was looking at my account and I was like hey I can already TB and I'm like 70 combat.. I just need range. So I started training range at ogre cage. Met a guy named V  Joker  V, who Ace recruited to FOE (they were  good friends) and he told me about FOE. I just needed 60 hp for FA reqs (single 85 req) so I apped as a mage based minimum reqs FA, same day Joker apped to full FOE. Started PKing drags with the boys, and the rest is history. 


It started in like 2004/05 with me and a few friends making accounts for F2P pking in edge/varrock multi. We quickly realized the fastest way to get ready for pking was to train offensive stats and leave a low defence level. We weren't even aware of what a "pure" was until shortly after when we stumbled across videos of people such as: I Mahatma I, Kids Ranqe, Elvemage etc.


Pretty much from there on it was natural to play on a pure. Had tons of different builds over the years and my passion for pking made me get into clanning years later.

9 minutes ago, Allan said:

I don't think it was just 1 person, but when I was really young I used to create low lvl pures with mage and just go to varrock multi and wind bolt kids.


I guess I stuck with one of the accounts and got more stats.

Lmfao I actually did that as well in 2007 with my best friend at the time. We'd make new twin pures every couple of weeks to kill people at low level (F2P because we couldn't afford membership).


Watching kids ranqe in 07 then always used to make unofficial f2p pure clans by spamming at varrock church then going out and warring other clans l00l 


i was a young noob with no p2p back then so never knew real clans existed until start of osrs

Posted (edited)

As others mentioned here I did that low level Varrock multi maging as well...a god damn lot. Probably the most fun I had pre-EOC, just teaming up with randoms and smacking kids.

Edited by Paul
Posted (edited)

S/o to this guy: Kids Ranqe


Because of him I actually wanted to make a pure. I've literally seen every single one of his vids atleast 100times.

Started RS in ~2005, made my first pure in ~2007, never looked back since.




Edited by Rolexx

My first account at runescape was like 30 att, 40 str, 30 def when i started to skilling to make gp's. Bought my first adamant G and randomly hopped to pvp world and then lag (shit ass brazilian comp + internet back in the day) lost my full adamant and got confused / mad cuz i didn't kept 3 items. Started to looking for shit to learn how to pk & etc. Started pking with mage on f2p and killing def noobs with my fire blast and 30 def eventually became a zerk and started a new account as a pure.


Watched Bonesaw's videos when I was younger and specifically the FOE Pking video 2.


It was one of my old RS goals to join FOE and get a 99. Now it's just to max out and to dominate everyone else.


how times change


lmao some retard from rd turned me from an edgepker to best pure warrer 

5 minutes ago, Get Good Son said:

lmao some retard from rd turned me from an edgepker to best pure warrer 




I was a failed void pure in 2009/2010, disguised myself as a pure watching the cunts pk in pvp world.


Mainly watched this pk team:




1 hour ago, Allan said:

I don't think it was just 1 person, but when I was really young I used to create low lvl pures with mage and just go to varrock multi and wind bolt kids.


I guess I stuck with one of the accounts and got more stats.

Exact same as me, then I eventually saw kids ranqe as a maxed pure raping shit up


i was told 1 def pures get more hoes than zerks so i gave it a shot


they were not wrong

1 hour ago, Paul said:

As others mentioned here I did that low level Varrock multi maging as well...a god damn lot. Probably the most fun I had pre-EOC, just teaming up with randoms and smacking kids.

Lmfao this bruh back in elementary me and the boys made pures and took over the wild on what we thought was beasts by the time 80str/80range/75ish mage lmfao... Would darkbow rush with my RL friend sitting next to eachother or lure people with the PK squad we made... Shit was more fun back then. Was happy with a full rune PK wich you had to split back then, now I cba wasting food for it.

24 minutes ago, Guido said:

Lmfao this bruh back in elementary me and the boys made pures and took over the wild on what we thought was beasts by the time 80str/80range/75ish mage lmfao... Would darkbow rush with my RL friend sitting next to eachother or lure people with the PK squad we made... Shit was more fun back then. Was happy with a full rune PK wich you had to split back then, now I cba wasting food for it.

Yeah sounds really similar lol really were the good old days

mihu the monkey

well on old rs my account was around 70/70/70 when i started looking into pking. I found out that i still had a chance by maxing str/mage/range and leaving def at 70 so that's what i did. eventually i did max out because i got into clanning and mage bank pking and shit like that, but to be honest i had most fun as a 75/99/70 account. then they somehow ruined old rs with all the updates and i had no time to keep up with the new standards (turmoil/chaotics/summoning) and the final blow was eoc.


i made a pure on osrs literally because i can't be fucked to max combat or get high lvl supplies (max main pking gear) anymore. I can literally pack a few shitty robes, dhides and a spec weapon and have a blast on a pure, instead of worrying about surviving on 80m gear at lvl 50wildy


Used to make a bunch of low level pure with my IRL friends, got into it seriously after watching a bunch of I Mahatma I videos. Thats when I decided to make the switch from main clans to pure.


2006, the first thing i did on rs at level 3 was go to varrock wildy and die instantly, starting picking potatoes near lumbridge for food and go straight back to wildy lol.. i went deep wildy and someone called 'ranger 7149' rekt me so i looked up his stats and he was pure range so i made a new account copying his. learnt more about pures through the wildy, joined a masser clan "p.i.c" and literally thought the only way to play rs was with a pure

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