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What brought you to the pure scene?


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3 hours ago, Liam said:

My mates and I would make low level mage pures to pk at varrock wildy when we were 12-13, not sure if thats the pure scene tho.

As for making a proper pure, probably this guy;


this, use to love making Mage triplets etc for low lvl pking, even the good ol 40 range 29 cmb.. was the days, 

kids played a big part, but also O vv pker vv O or somethin they were DDS twins, thats where i got the idea of making twin pures. was legit the funnest stuff ever i miss those days, i wish we still had an active wild with low lvl noobs etc in a p2p world like before.


Always pked for money (so pures were the best option), a friend of mine (tys sabirys, or whatever his rsn rn is) let me share his high range/mage/summoning account with 1 defence in 2009/2010 i think. Before that i always pked in early pvp/bh on my main aka failed 40 defence non quested rune pure which i eventually got 80 defence on to be a  f2p range tank with @gerttt, sniping pure clans in the weekends and sitting at bh stairs w136/57 all day and night.


made twin ddsers with my brother (lvls 55-60s) then thought would be cool to make a higher lvl pure




Loved reading all the replies keep em coming!!

Posted (edited)

I made a pure about the time they came out with pvp worlds, mostly pked f2p with range/2h. Had some shitty unregistered hypercam vids, but they are set to private and on an old youtube i can't access anymore :sad:

Edited by akkord

Started playing as a main, then made a zerk. So naturally a pure was the next step.


omg @Tony i swear i remember watching those vids years ago haha

13 hours ago, Yentll said:

Always pked for money (so pures were the best option), a friend of mine (tys sabirys, or whatever his rsn rn is) let me share his high range/mage/summoning account with 1 defence in 2009/2010 i think. Before that i always pked in early pvp/bh on my main aka failed 40 defence non quested rune pure which i eventually got 80 defence on to be a  f2p range tank with @gerttt, sniping pure clans in the weekends and sitting at bh stairs w136/57 all day and night.

wtf, good times

Posted (edited)

was tired of killing pures on range tank with @Yentll so after osrs was released I started making a range/2h pure and I'm loving it.

Edited by gerttt

2004 or early 2005, discovered the thrill of edge wildy, then varrock multi because I couldn't kill anyone. Then I decided I needed to make an account that actually had killing potential. So I made a mage "pure", because I got rekt by mages. That until I got rekt by a range pure so I then made a range pure. Fun times


Killed by a pure.


Made a pure.


Was with a little pk team, met some foe in the wildy.


Joined in June 2007.

Never left.

Posted (edited)

Started f2p pking with some people. Eventually we leveled up and i mean eventually (wildy was our training ground) later ending up going p2p. I ran my own clan in w124 called dips soldiers (cringe af ik) and completely ran the scene for my combat level, having literally complete control over multi and single around hollow tree having the power to make or break peoples careers should I say. We eventually split and this was when i discovered a much bigger picture to pure clanning community. With ppl like flurky leaving to join eop and leading pop others quitting or going main. One of my slaves "hes a gecko" recruited me into terror where I met the one and only, our lord sithlord where I've followed the boys ever since until the closure of RD.

Edited by Dipson

Pre-EOC I was mostly a main. I had a pure that I trained when I afked something on the main and even was an app for dejavu ( now striketeam, Estonians ftw ). When I had the urge to play rs again I logged onto osrs ( like 1.5-2 years after osrs came out ) and figured I dont like questing so I made a pure. Got my stats up, rejoined striketeam and now here I am almost maxed 20 def 75 atk >.< 

Posted (edited)

The pure vids back in '05 and '06. Mahatma, Hie the PK, Fear Figment, Kidz Ranqe, 0mfg0rz, and so on. I've always had like a very low leveled mage or range pure...just to mess with at Varrock multi or black knights castle in F2P. Watching the big boy pures...they made me want to do more with a pure. 


Eventually made a higher leveled dscim pure, got bored and turned it into a main. Made a whip pure and got 20 def on it (My favorite pure ever, sucks that it just isn't as effective anymore). Got bored and turned it into a 70 def account about the time I bought a low leveled range pure. Got it mage and range...eventually turned it into a max tank (was before release of rune c bow and dark bow). Got into clanning heavily about this time...turned it into a maxed main. 


Used the max main for a while to clan with. Then the wild was removed...and just didn't care much for BH Crater and CWA. Eventually just completely quit actual Runescape.


Moved to private servers pking on pures. Eventually started Near-Reality...kept a maxed 60 attack pure and a maxed main. Probably the most active I have ever been. Would sit at work playing the game as much as possible. Ended with around 2,000 kills just on the pure. Loved the Dscim, DDS, and Corrupt VLS combo. 


When NR closed, I moved to Battlescape. After the 2nd reset...completely just quit all RS related things completely. When OSRS came out...played for the first couple weeks...just couldn't get back into it at the time.


Couple years later...started back up...and here I am.

Edited by Lonnie

Deja Vu, Estonian country clan bought me to the pure scene.

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