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[ Runescape Economy ]


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Ever since Jagex implemented the new PvP System, people have been recieving a way load of loots including,

- Rune Platebody

- Glories

- Fury

- Weapons

-Berserker Ring

And much more. Not just that, but it's starting to be a common drop, and you can notice by the items dropping lately. What do you guys think will happen in the future if Jagex doesn't think of a fast way to fix the mess since many items are starting to drop?


I think that Jagex will have already thought of this, and plus, you gotta think of it like this. Whenever you get those items from the person, they are losing them, as thats what they were wearing ;3.



As Rune said, if someone dies and loses a Berserker Ring, they're more than likely willing to buy it back, so the supply and demand isn't really affected. A lot of times they'll die with it, but you won't get the drop. Overall it averages out, maybe causing a slight drop in the long run.

Nothing serious.


The two people above have no clue what their talking about.

Lol. The drop system is random, pures don't wear Rune Platebody's and yet I get it as my drop. The same goes with Berserker ring.

EDIT: What it will do is the items will be lowered in price. Not much else to it? Merchants stabilize in the economy in a way. So no worries tbh.


How many rune platebodys are made each day? How many are gained from clues?

How many glorys are made each day?

The drop in price isnt been caused by pkers selling these items. It's happening because of merchants trying to "ride the wave" assumeing these items will/would raise because of the demand in them due to bh. (not taking into account that shear amounts of these items alredy in circulation).  :mellow:


I don't agree with you on the rune and other inexpensive items. You have no idea how good the f2p clan community is at wasting rune in f2p bh lol. Its prohibited to loot ur kills because it will leave you with less food to tank. This is how it allways has been the past 2yrs. Low lvls get rune from clues, high lvls waste it @ f2p. Same goes for glories/frem helms, there's a huge group who wastes them.

Besides all this, rune/helms are already close to their alch/shop-price; it can't go down much.

For the expensive items: I agree. Jagex's system is balanced out in the end. But they did it with high drops & shit drops which would, on avg, give you a melee set (bit more to compensate for smited whips)(This was even more the case in pvp worlds). This fails bc high items are rare, and flooding the rare market with loads of items causes them to crash. Thats why bers rings and furies already dropped 0.5M.

So yeah, grats on all the lvl 80-90 mains. The woodcutting time it takes to get a fury/bring etc is now(/will soon be) halved.


I agree with the fury and zerker ring, they are becoming a common drop from bh and are dropping quite a lot. Both got dropped in Pvp worlds but were not as common.

Just reminds me of Dfh's in a way, at the start of pvp they was 52m in ge, now they're 9m and still dropping.


They'll Have To Employ Gordan Brown to fix The Ressesion In runescape Aswell !


You dont think this crossed jagex's mind?..


k? your point? now i can finally afford shit.

<3 sefket your so great of a man, rofl in ts you are like

"wtf you welfare narb get risk k?" to a bunch of lvl 60's :D


The two people above have no clue what their talking about.

Lol. The drop system is random, pures don't wear Rune Platebody's and yet I get it as my drop. The same goes with Berserker ring.

Honestly I got a dh helm and a rune chain of a 1itemer that wasent even skulled yesterday lol

They need to alternate their drop tables, look at items like guthans spear, dragon full helm, amulet of fury, berserker ring, etc. All used to be a lot more than what they are nowadays because of PvP drop tables.

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