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Final Ownage Elite #1 P2P Sunday ~ EOP Cleared


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Today Final Ownage Elite peaked at 65 elites for our P2P wilderness trip ready to kill all pures and mains. With only EOP out in the wilderness with around ~45 pures and 10+ mains we rushed them at dwarves and cleared them only losing ~10 in a 60v55 PKRI. As we cleared them AF and another main clan rushed from the north at gap so we moved away to bank with our loot and the victory as EOP ran into the mains towards GDZ with 10 to die. It was quite an easy fight and with nothing else out except a main war we ended afterwards.


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With the most numbers today and only 2 clans out, we asked EOP for a fight but they just waited at GDZ with 10+ mains and 45 pures. For 45 minutes we walked around the wilderness hunting zerk clans and random pures PKing in W18 while they wasted their time. Eventually they moved south to dwarves and we rushed them wrapping around from the north west and holding it off to the east. We instantly pushed them south east and our south east side pushed north getting more kills on their offensive side. With a large lead we pushed them north and cleared them with ~50 remaining. We walked south as the mains hit with the victory.


With nothing else in the wildy except a main war at gdz we ended, happy with the small action we had.





Edited by Danny
Posted (edited)




Edited by The Karl

Joined late but still got smoke everyone, too easy lmfao

Posted (edited)

dam, we so good we make clans re-arrange their anniversaries 

Edited by `Ben

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