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Interesting PK account builds?


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So I got a fresh level 3 with free 2 week membership because of that ironman promotion thingie and I was wondering if anyone had any fun builds to work towards?


I have a max AGS pure, a clanning pure and a Zerk so was wondering if there are other fun alternatives you've tried?

Posted (edited)

50 att 30 def, i'm sure there are barely any addy gmaul pures !!!


nah for real if i made another pure it would be 60 att 99 pray

Edited by Borzor
2 minutes ago, Rien42 said:

Dont waste your time on this game

All in downtime my brother


Toxic staff pure looks sick man


40 att maxed f2p pkers are fun too


obby maulers worth trying


40 atk pure

50 atk pure

Sotd pure

or even fire wave/gmaul pure. with thaat new tome of fire book (thing is op)

or even a 1/15 pray 50/60 atk pure.



you could buy my maxed 30 defence and all 99 combat stats pure to pk on if you want, they are the best build out there right now


Sotd pures aren't as good as people make them out to be, if you sotd spec people will tele.. 


Also you spend half your life typing 'gl I'm not skulling' etc, add the fact that your only KO potential is zammy flames which you can out eat easy. 


Given the amount of time you have spare these days @Paul I'd just AFK a mauler at sandcrabs because then you don't have to quest. Or you could just play the ironman more!


I have an obby tank 80str and 75 def, pretty unique but i think an obby zerker would be better. Really interesting build

2 hours ago, Rien42 said:

Dont waste your time on this game



50 attack voider ballista gmaul 44 pray, most cancer acc you could make


75 attk 1 def 52 pray don't think it's been done before

51 minutes ago, Kev said:



make an sotd pure, ez to build, lots of fun 

58 minutes ago, 4zs said:

50 attack voider ballista gmaul 44 pray, most cancer acc you could make



Some solid suggestions in here, gonna be looking at a few builds and see how much time they'll take to make :P

2 hours ago, Coggy said:

60 Attack Piety?

^^ I have one of these

  1. well you already have the accounts i would suggest so i would say a 60 atk piety, 77 prayer if and when rigour/augury come out

fk all these low def builds lol, u already have that. Go for maxed tank, its op in wildy and u can also pvm with it. Not that i encourage any type of breaking rules, but its the easiest build tbh. autoclicked 94 mage and autoclicked in nmz with full guthans for 99 def lmao. only stat i did myself was range, which is quick af. 

Considering rigour/vigour coming soon, its even more op. 

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