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Lets_Rm worst day in rs lol

Lets Rm

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Yesterday , I went full retarted and got phished on twitch , It was first time i got scammed in my entire runescape history , im so embarrassed as fuck ( One time i had a photo of me and 5 girls on facebook with my pubes out , didint even see dat shit and uploaded  it ,  photo was up for like 24hours - but it was much better experience ). The kid started ddosing me so I asked for new password on my phone in the first minute after i did enter my info on phish webside ( wasing paying attention i guess) . Jagex was on scammer side this time and i didint recive my email to lock my acc & to change the pass for 40 minutes. So I guess I learned my lesson the hard way and lost my bank ( around 20m). No DEF LEVELS - so i got that going for me which is nice. I dont have time to make my stack back for now couse I want the stats to rejoin first , I'll just try to lend some gp from my friend irl and continue nmz. Danny told me that dat fag was talking shit in cc so I'm sorry for dat too. Got authentication on my account now , I highly recommend to make ur acc safe too. tl;dr - i'm noob nowadays.


Rip man atleast you didnt get any def lvls 20m is not that big of a loss


That sucks bro, add me up in game 


Cash Gordon 


I'll throw 2 or 3m your way to help you out. 


Pay me back whenever ur good.


Offers there dude

48 minutes ago, Cash Gordon said:

That sucks bro, add me up in game 


Cash Gordon 


I'll throw 2 or 3m your way to help you out. 


Pay me back whenever ur good.


Offers there dude

thank you, ur very kind . I'll try get all my shit back , if i need some i'll pm you :)

6 minutes ago, Paul said:

Sad to hear man, GL rebuilding :/

thank you

1 hour ago, Psycho said:

Rip man atleast you didnt get any def lvls 20m is not that big of a loss

I'm very happy for no def , was a nice lesson for security.

5 minutes ago, Peen said:



38 minutes ago, Avenge said:


who tf falls for that shit.. 20m is nothing bro honestly just go kill lava drags for a few hrs


aw tht sux man, sorry for ur loss

1 hour ago, Dangalang said:

who tf falls for that shit.. 20m is nothing bro honestly just go kill lava drags for a few hrs

ye bro , dunno how i got into that shit in first place LOL was just like a second's deal , didint even think :D ik 20m is not much. its just i just started playing  i guess , its all good now


thank god you didn't get any defence lvls!!

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