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Final Ownage Elite Saturday #1 F2P Trip ~ Where's CP?


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Today Final Ownage Elite peaked at 60 elites for the F2P trip. We expected CP to come at us after acting a little tough this week, yet they disappointed us and ran from us the entire trip.


When we weren't chasing CP around we ran into Rage/CD/EOP/Fatality/Supremacy and Olympus who we fought 3x as well for the majority of the trip.


At times against Olympus we were fighting either down 5 - 10, yet we always brought it back and gained a lead when the fight was crashed each time. It's going to take more though Olympus, however GJ today.


A great day of action, see you all out there tomorrow.


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Final Ownage Elite vs Olympus

We heard Olympus had the highest pull of the day at the beginning of the trip and they were nearing us so we moved inside the castle, up the floors and waited for them to come. They walked up the ladder to meet us and the fight began 50v60. Down 10 we fought valiantly, for the first 15 minutes we were down numbers until eventually, we evened it out and gained a lead. At 40v30, we had a 10 man lead when Supremacy crashed the fight so we moved away to bank.


Good fight OP.


Final Ownage Elite vs Critical Damage/Rage

We found CD and Rage fighting near 13 ports so we rushed them for some action. Unfortunately, they both moved away as we joined the fight.


Final Ownage Elite vs Critical Damage

We found CD at corp hill so we paid them a visit and they moved away so we resumed hunting CP.


Final Ownage Elite vs Corrupt Pures

We found our dogs over at CP walking in multi south of graves so we rushed them and pushed them away back into single instantly.


Final Ownage Elite vs Corrupt Pures/Fatality

We found CP againt fighting Fatality at 13 ports. We did not hesitate and rushed them both ready for the 1v2, pushing them both in single.


Final Ownage Elite vs Eruption of Pures/Rage

We saw a cluster near boneyard so we rushed in, found EOP on the west and we hit them a little until they moved south west, then we focused back on Rage pushing them all the way south and west into single at ruins. No clan was left in multi so we moved elsewhere.


Final Ownage Elite vs Olympus

We found Olympus near 13 ports so we rushed them. This time we fought 55v55, so we got some very quick kills as they were unprepared. Pushing them back east we controlled the south side of the map and with hardly anybody dying, we pushed them north into single when Supremacy also crashed. We walked south west in a fall-in, and Olympus rushed us again so we pushed them back north and resumed the fight. We fought at the pond and it was quite even until EOP crashed so we moved west ready for another round.


Good fight OP.


Final Ownage Elite vs Olympus

We noticed Olympus gained a lot of numbers and they hit us in single as we were hopping worlds. We logged back into the world and pulled it to multi on 13 ports where they followed. The fight began 50v60, and even down 10 we were not scared as we fought back. Eventually we evened out our loss in numbers and held it at even for a while, even gaining numbers. The fight was matched at 43v43 when CD crashed so we moved away.


Good fight OP.


Good job stepping up but it'll take a lot more to take us down for #1. A great day today, see you all tomorrow! Thanks to all elites for attending.








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Edited by Lonnie

I'm sorry jack


was ez, bye op


45 hp warrior 





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