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Fuck adamant


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Don't be consumed by the cancer boys!!


refer to the sig


Says the guy who got 30+ def on a level 70 because Chrish said so haha


30 def was the best thing to happen to FOE. 


Feels good to be 30 defence and carrying this clan.


20 def 4 life

26 minutes ago, Rien42 said:

Too late it already happent



Ey, good to see you are still around xx


30 def carries foe i d i e t

1 hour ago, City_Wok said:

nice sig, you do that yourself?



My old friend Omni did this one for me, you can find him on IRC #Archaic

11 minutes ago, Jack said:

miss you Joshua


u2, been waiting for you boys on ts but times are fkd atm x

2 hours ago, Peen said:

Addy is love addy is life


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