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Foe's Legacy before EOC

Mike (0BR)

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I was slaying some blood velds and was talking to some random kid about FOE.


He asked me if I had a wolpertiger back then with summoning. I told him no, I had a steel titan.


Then I thought to myself: There were trips where we pulled more steel titans than clans pulled people. It was definitely an exciting time to be clanning.


Check out this video:



the real faker

miss pre eoc


those days were cancer, but at the same time, it was really fun.


wish we could have those moments back, i never really got to pure clan with Summoning as i did more F2P at the time.. did lots of main stuff with titan, thing was NUTS

mihu the monkey
Posted (edited)

looked very ez and cancer af lmfao by this time i was long gone off runescape

Edited by mihuuuu

i was in foe during that era, that;s back when you were actually active OBR :P

Posted (edited)

was fun being a lv 82 with steel titan. got as many kills as our mains

Edited by Tepee
2 hours ago, Rien42 said:

never played back then

Lmao newfaggg


was fun back then!!


+ mm had more titans than foe HA

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