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email my mom sent to me.

watch me tb

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Dood if you want to piss off a christian parent tell her you're living commonlaw with an old friend; my brother says that to my mom all the time and she gets MAAAD '-'

But it sucks that you don't have a steady relationshop with your parents. I'm not going to lie, I really don't let out any of my problems or anything whatsoever to my parents directly because they're always so misunderstanding. The excuse for everything that happens in my life is due to my hobbies: Computers, video games, and music. My parents are great, don't get me wrong... It's just that I'm actually terrified to approach them with any problem whatsoever. And, since we've moved to a new neighbourhood and I don't exactly plan on becoming buddy-buddy with anyone due to the fact that I'm leaving home come September, I have a LOT of shit bottled up that's actually driving me literally mad.

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i get along with my dad great, i live with him. my mom and my step dad are idiots though.

i am not going to tell my mom i am gay lol... that really wouldnt get me any where.

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@Daniel; same here bro: computers and games fucked up my life and i dont tell my parents my problems either cuz they dont understand what im tlaking about :/

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I gots a good relationship with meh mama...

but it pissed me off when she would pour

huge pails of water on me to get me up for school...

Other than that... its all good.

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but it pissed me off when she would pour

huge pails of water on me to get me up for school...


your mum ever do that to you?

it made me piss my self once.. when i was a freshman.

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rofl did jim even read the email? doesn't sound like he has any idea whats going on.

yeah lol. what i was thinking.

my mom did finally respond to me, i will post if anyone actually wants to see it.

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rofl did jim even read the email? doesn't sound like he has any idea whats going on.

yeah lol. what i was thinking.

my mom did finally respond to me, i will post if anyone actually wants to see it.

its a good read, but i would like to see her response since you tore apart her statements  :nice:

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her message.




Subject: RE: Spread the Joy

Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 01:50:07 -0500

mmkay.. i didnt send stfu on wyatts phone. when i ever DO call wyatt a name, i say it in a joking manner, one that even he could see is a joke.

Wyatt disagrees and says you put stfu on his phone to Adam.  I believe him and he and Adam did not see it as a joke.  I have seen and heard your treatment of Wyatt for years.  Reality check. Most name callers say they are just joking when they are called on it or blame it on the person they are calling names.  Example: "I wouldn't call you a bitch if you weren't one"   "My friend put that word in your yard, not me (although I saw/encouraged him to do it)."  As if you have no responsibility.  If you called a co-worker/teacher these words, you would rightly have harassment filed against you.  Why is it OK to call family these names? IT IS NOT SO YOU NEED TO STOP IT.  It is bullying behavior.  Wyatt has never liked it and wants it to stop. Again, Reality check.

i never did say it was my responsibility, or anything for that matter about erica never coming up. we both know that when erica says she has homework to do, thats a bs lie. she could just as easily do it here. there is everything you have down there up here to help her do homework. so i called her on it.. i know you want me to stop saying stuff about it so she never comes up here, real sad. and it was not only i who called her on it, it was also dad. he isnt dumb.. he can see when he is being used, erica only comes up when she wants something. thats pathetic.

You don't have to say its your responsibility, your actions speak for themselves. When you say "we both know" are you talking about me and you, or dad and you.  Because when Erica says she has homework, I know she has homework and works on it hours nightly.  If its you and dad this is another example of parentification (we vs. them mentality). Answer the question to yourself of Why do you care where she prefers to do her homework or whether she even does her homework? I don't remember Erica ever worrying about whether you did your homework or not. Again, not your place to call her on it and she is not obligated to answer to you regarding homework or what home she is at.  I know Dad also "calls her on it" but you do as well (I've seen the texts). How have your dad's feelings on a topic also become yours ("he can see when he is being used").  Perfect example of parentification.  There is a court order in place and Erica is not breaking what it states.  But again, I should not have to explain this to you over and over. This is not and should not be your concern.  

there is no reason i can not talk with ericka or wyatt about child support, unless you want something covered up. i HAVE done a lot of research into the subject and will give them what ever info i think they should know. keeping them ignorant, like you tryed to keep me, is also.. sad. and i will do everything i can to make it so they know what up. they are old enough to know stuff, they definitely can handle it.

Your words "Whatever info I think they should know" is a classic statement of an older sibling who has been put in the parenting role for way TOOO long. If you chose to talk to Erica and Wyatt about child support/custody issues, at least know the facts of what you are talking about.  Some of the information that you are giving Wyatt is not factual. Court documents are open records -- go get copies of all of them and read them before you talk about all the research you have done . . .  If you think Wyatt and Erica are old enough to know all about family issues, why haven't you discussed the events in Ridgway at the end of November? Unless you want things covered up and think it is your place to keep your siblings ignorant of the facts.  Don't you think they should know what happens at their Ridgeway home just like you think they should know about support issues?  I personally think safety and well-being (physically and emotionally) issues trump the issue of who is paying who what amount for what. As far as keeping you ignorant, I have told you once you turn 18, you can look at any court, counseling, etc. records I have.  I took you to counseling but it is up to learn from it and figure things out.  Let me know when you want to stop and read what I have.  I have also always been open and honest about issues of addictions/abuse with you and don't believe that you don't remember some of the things that happened in Helena that were very wrong.  You actually talked about some of them years ago. . . you couldn't talk about things you don't remember.  And you have some of the same memories as me. Have you talked with your siblings about these incidents or do you want them covered up?

its up to the courts to decide..? well the court seems to be a one way bull shit system that if you know how to manipulate it, you can do what ever you want and get away with it.. so i dont really trust in the courts too much, but since they seem to favor you so much, i can see why you like them.

I too see issues with the court system.  Over the years, I have heard people state their beliefs as fact, outright lie in court to stay out of trouble, frame others or drag out issues to continue to make a buck.  I personally believe all of us will be held accountable for the actions we know are wrong -- if not in this life, in the next.

i KNOW i am making good decisions with my life, if you think differently, then definition of good decisions is wrong. i go to work, i go to school, i pay all my bills on time.. i really dont do anything that bad.. so, i really dont know what you were getting at with that..?

Never said you are not making good decisions in your life.  I've told you I am proud of you going on to school quite a few times.  Don't feel the need to explain your decisions to me.  Actions speak louder than words.  Only you know the total truth about yourself and its none of my business unless it affects me, Erica or Wyatt (they are still my responsibility).  This doesn't mean I don't care about the choices you make that may affect you in a negative way now or down the line, just means I realize there is nothing I can do about it.

i looked up parentification. says kids under the age of 18. im 19. that means its not parentification. i do/say what i think is right for erica and wyatt. you are right, i am not their parent, but when the real parent is making wrong decisions, and i think a lot of your decisions are..., i am going to say something.

You can think that a lot of the decisions I make are not right but if you accuse, you really should back up your accusations with examples.  I am not doing anything illegal, immoral or unethical. I have never needed to defend my parenting to you.  I have been the best parent I know how -- not perfect but not an ogre either. You have disrespected me from the time you could talk...repeating exact things you heard/saw.  It is painful and it is wrong. There is nothing I can do about it and only hope someday you may see how wrong/hurtful it is.  Do you expect perfection from me?  Issues you refuse to see and deal with do not magically disappear when you turn 18.

obvious hurt i have inside..? what? you are the only one ever to say im depressed or anti social or all the other crap you said i am. so.. im going to go out on a limb and say im not hurt, im not depressed, or anti social. you make stuff up from nothing and make everyone feel angry. i now just shrug it off and dont care what you think either way.

What other "crap" have I said you are?  Counselors have said you are/were depressed in the past and I agree, so I am not the only one.  I do not have the power to "make everyone feel angry." As far as addictions, co-dependency, antisocial behaviors, learning disabilities, I have always been open with you about these being in BOTH sides of your family and recommended you learn about, stay healthy (sleep, excercise, etc.) and be careful about the choices you make as you grow up.  You can say its all crap but it doesn't change the facts or the history of our family.

you talk about god and treating everyone how you would want to be treated, well you really never put yourself in our shoes did you? you never really took the time to step back and say.. maybe im hurting my kids with everything im doing.. if you dont think you are, then you are nuts.

I cannot possibly put myself in your shoes because my parents are still married and I have not had your life.  I have cried for seeing the hurt you have gone through but then you pick on me for crying.  I don't think you can even cry anymore Dalton.  You were teased or yelled at for crying when you were very small and I wonder if you know the last time you cried.  Can you put yourself in my shoes?  Notice how you use the words "our shoes" instead of "my shoes".  You cannot speak for your siblings.  "hurting my kids with EVERYTHING im doing"?  I have hurt ALL THREE of my kids with EVERYTHING I am doing?  Again, speak for yourself alone and get real with your wording.  Very few parents hurt there kids with EVERYTHING they do -- although I believe there are some that are darn close.  At least give me the fact that when you were with me you had the basics of enough food, clothing and shelter--Jeesh.  Harsh Dalton.  I remember being called crazy ALOT in Helena and now if I don't believe I have hurt ALL THREE of my kids with EVERYTHING IM DOING, I must be nuts.  The nut doesn't fall far from the tree.  Reality check.

I have always told you that I would be devastated even if my parents were divorced when I was an adult.  Please let me know what I have specifically done that has so hurt you (not what has hurt Wyatt, Erica or your dad) but you specifically.  When I tell you I am sorry that me and dad divorced when you were a child and I am sorry for what you kids went through, you say you knew it had to happen and that I was stupid to put up with what I did and should have never stayed as long as I did.  You've told me the divorce never bothered you anyway.  Then you turn around and blame me for taking your dad away from you as if this was within my control.  YOU WERE ALL THREE TAKEN AWAY BY THE STATE FOR A TIME BECAUSE OF ACTIONS THAT YOUR DAD DID -- NO ONE ELSE. You are mad that I cried over things that upset me (like children being put in the middle, lied about and hurt). However, if I wouldn't have taken Wyatt to the doctor when he was bruised, you would blame me for covering things up.  You can't have it both ways Dalton.

i do know right from wrong.. whats your point?

Answer these questions for yourself:

Is it right or wrong to call people cruel names?

Is it right or wrong to blame others for what I have done?

Is it right or wrong to break the law because I disagree with it?

Is it right or wrong to lie?

Is it right or wrong to expect more from others than I would from myself?

Is it right or wrong to allow myself  to be put in the middle of issues that do not concern me to purposely stir up things and hurt others?

Is it right or wrong to disrespect/disobey a parent if they are not asking me to do something illegal, unethical or immoral?

Is it wrong to use people to get what I want?

Is it right or wrong to hit, push or throw people or break items when I am angry?

Is it alright to swear/yell out of anger?

Do I know right from wrong but often choose wrong because it works for me or my agenda?

Is it wrong of me to blame people that I know are innocent and cover up for those who are not?

Is it right or wrong to abuse my body through the misuse of drugs/alcohol/people?

Is it right or wrong to put inappropriate songs/images in my head?

I know you know right from wrong -- that's the easy part for all of us.  Doing right instead of wrong is the hard part.  This is where Jesus fits in for me.

take responsibility for myself without blaming others? what do i need to take responsibility for? going to collage? having a job? not pointing out everyones problems to make myself feel better? yeah ill take responsibility for that. why not.

My point exactly.  Wyatt and Erica have never been your responsibility so let it go. . . .

"grounds rules as always" aka my way or the high way.

If you had your own place would there be any rules for the people you lived with? Are you allowed to do anything at your home in Ridgeway?  How many people are you allowed to have over at once? Could you do drugs/drink in your home if you wanted to? Would it be OK for people you live with to steal from you?  Borrow things without asking?  Lock you out?  Tap your phone? Break your things? Take your vehicle? Call you vulgar names?  Brian and I do have some rules in our home and none of them are unreasonable.  Once again, Reality check.

i have no intention into turning this into a fight, but im sure you will make it one. but maybe not?

Maybe not

you emailed me, so you obviously wanted one back..

I was not expecting one but it is always nice hearing from you.

im also emailing this to others. see what they think about it.

I'd be interested to know who is on your mailing list.  I believe the majority of people would see forwarding personal emails without the permission of the sender as a severely controlling behavior (kinda like phone tapping someone and then letting others listen to it to strengthen your agenda).  But to each their own.  I prefer you not share my emails with others but realize I can only control my own actions.


majaly! gbydb!

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my message. i didnt really feel like reading all of it..


i really dont feel like reading all of that, but since there was so many words, i assume it was pretty good.

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Holy shit, i cant handle reading all that lol. thanks for posting though i got half way through and idk of the events she's talking about. I don't why she would start a argument anyways by sending you the first email.  :mellow:

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my message. i didnt really feel like reading all of it..


i really dont feel like reading all of that, but since there was so many words, i assume it was pretty good.


lol, my point exactly

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going to collage?  <- lol

  I seen that but i figured he was just typing too fast lol, and it was heated  :D
haha, never said i was the best speller. :p
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lol well... it sound like you both have your issues...

it also sounds a bit like what i used to do...

i used to be like a dad to my little brother.

bossing him around and telling him to get me a beer :o

is that what you do? (but thats just from what i've read)

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lol well... it sound like you both have your issues...

it also sounds a bit like what i used to do...

i used to be like a dad to my little brother.

bossing him around and telling him to get me a beer :o

is that what you do? (but thats just from what i've read)

kinda.. but i dont ask him to get me beer lol. i ask to get a pop or something like that. i buy the pop and let him drink it though.. so i figure it evens out.
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lol well... it sound like you both have your issues...

it also sounds a bit like what i used to do...

i used to be like a dad to my little brother.

bossing him around and telling him to get me a beer :o

is that what you do? (but thats just from what i've read)

kinda.. but i dont ask him to get me beer lol. i ask to get a pop or something like that. i buy the pop and let him drink it though.. so i figure it evens out.

How old are you and your broski?

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