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Money making methods for pures/how much money for return sets?


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I'm pretty sure I asked this a long time ago but I'm thinking of joining and I was wondering what would be the minimum amount of cash I'd need to apply? I literally haven't played since NMZ was released so I've just been training all day.


Thanks again


I think a decent return tab starts from ~10M or so, then mage prep gear is around 20m for a set I'd say.


Once you train up you can easily do Zulrah for ~1.5m/hr

55 minutes ago, Kanye said:

w2 duel arena


mihu the monkey

rwt something like 50m and start from there


Yeah just buy 30m or something will be like $35


i would just buy 30m-50m to start


you can either buy GP or kill zulrah for an hour or two each day. 


But answering your question 10-15m should be enough for a solid return tab & RWT for some starter cash.

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