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Final Ownage Elite 2016 ~ A Year of Pure Dominance


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Almost two weeks worth of topics has worked towards this conclusion. A big thank you to all the ranks that have participated in this project, and an extra huge thank you to Erik for bringing this whole project together. We also want to thank the members for their enthusiasm for this project, but mostly we want to thank you for your undivided attention, commitment, and loyalty to this clan. And we thank you for being a part of FOE, for the good times that brings us to this game and keeps us here together.


We present to you: a brilliant highlight compilation made by Erik. All the spectacular moments of this year, with all the moments you definitely remember and even some that might've slipped your mind, bundled up in a single video that reflects the great things, the goosebumps moments, the thrilling victories - everything we've done together this year. Kick back, relax and enjoy this amazing work:



2016 was a year of many victories. The Jagex Cup, full-out wins, 15W+ prep streaks and consistent 90+ Wilderness pulls. We adapted to a changing clanning scene by accepting 30 defence, and we immediately noticed how easy it is to stay on top when we level the playing field. Even during times of hardship we don't lose sight of what is important, and the core people of this community make sure to get us back on track right away.


We are a clan full of winners: nothing annoys us more than crashing a long prep streak or having a bad day. We are also a clan of people who strive to be the best they can be. That doesn't mean we haven't hit any road blocks, or won't hit any in the future, but sometimes we are too hard on ourselves. At the end of the day none of this holds us back, because we come back stronger, better, and achieve amazing results every single year. When it comes down to it we are undeniably the best pure clan in the game, and we continue to forge our legacy. Don't ever forget that, and be proud to be part of it.


FOE's 2016 was another fantastic year, one of the strongest the clan has been in its entire history.


Here's to another one in 2017.


~FOE Leadership.

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