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Deep Wildy pking again for you guys ANY COMPUTER EDIT WIZARDS IN HERE?)

Pking Stoned

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If anybody could help me get rid of the black bars, ive used all the youtube tags yt:crop=16:9....    I play on a 36 inch television screen which is why i think my videos have black bars, hopefully one of you can fix? I use movie maker to edit and hypercam to record


am big suk with editing soz


no worries man, im terrible also haha


Yo i'm a computer engineer. Try updating your graphics driver 


Good video man just need to work on the quality. I enjoyed the variety of places you PKed, you don't get that in many videos nowadays :) 

18 hours ago, 21 Savage said:

making pk videos in 2017 lmfao are u new?

Got to keep my 5 subscribers happy ay


idk about moving maker but most platforms u just right click the video clip and turn off 'maintain aspect ratio'

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