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Decision - Curses


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A lot of my friends have told me that i should really make a 40/45 defence user with 95 prayer and ancient curses. On the other hand, i like being low defence, and don't want to fight high-level tanks half of my time pk'ing. This leads to three possibilities.

1 - Making a berserker pure with 95 prayer. (99 Combat with 60 attack)

2 - Making a low-defence maxed pure, and trying to apply to FOE later on.

3 - Making two accounts at the same time, which i don't know if i have time for.

If i were going to pick possibility number 3, i would probably make a 50 attack mauler, or a 60 attack pure.

What would you do?

Money is not a problem, i am a great spender!

at0mic skill

60 attack at 99 combat is a no. if you make a 45 def account get whip at least,

do whatever you think you'll have more fun on.


you got 160m for 95pray? go for it


Are you going to be willing to make the cash for the dbones necessary for 95 prayer on a new account?


If you got for the new prayers you'll be one of the first around with low cb and new prayers. Could be pretty cool.


do u even have 100m

Creamie pies

do u even have 100m


You could always make a 28 def 95 pray maxed pure and get into FOE with that ;)


You could always make a 28 def 95 pray maxed pure and get into FOE with that ;)

Doubt he would get accepted with such a high defence level.

60 attack is an instant godbless. Get 70 and the other stuff you said you'll destroy


You could always make a 28 def 95 pray maxed pure and get into FOE with that ;)

Doubt he would get accepted with such a high defence level.
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i'd suggest if you had over 200m to get prayers + 45...if you have just enough for prayers or no enough...enjoy being a pure.


if u got the cash go for the 95 pray, if not, make the pure


You could always make a 28 def 95 pray maxed pure and get into FOE with that ;)

Doubt he would get accepted with such a high defence level.
you're a guest  (n)
you're a quest (n)

Make a pure and join Foe.

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