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Spade N Head and Stl Tank's Duo Vid!


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Didnt like the first song

Good vid overal

But let the low ko's out of the vid like a 14 :p

Gl with others


lol sorry i stopped after like a minute you need better clips


ok so if you want real constructive criticism-

clip 1- farcasting ice blitz then prays when hes unfrozen ( i know its not you, but still thats embarrasing)

clip 2- ranging in str ammy and ultimate strength

clip 3- takes 5 seconds to click dds and go to the special attack page?

clip 4- nothing wrong

clip 5- dds dming targs doesnt show youre a good pker it shows you can spec lucky. its like seeing 2 1 itemers just poking each other.

clip 6- nothing wrong

clip 7- nothing wrong

clip 8- again, ranging in ultimate str doesnt make sense to me

clip 9- nothing wrong

clip 10- good clip

clip 11- need to practice 1 way switching perhaps? and had full morrigans in invy but didnt use in combat (waste of 3 invy spaces)

clip 12- nothing wrong

clip 13- other than safing nothing wrong

clip 14- 14-2 spec doesnt "wow" the audience, if you will

clip 15- good ko, didn't see the purpose in zooming in when he changes gear lol

clip 16- a 10 for a ko with msb

clip 17- nothing wrong

clip 18- good spec

clip 19- a 35 with d bolt isnt really worth zooming into, if it was a 60 it probably would

clip 20- great clip and specs

clip 21- not bad

clip 22- good clip

clip 23- stl didnt attack anyone

so,i didnt say "you need better clips" without a reason. i said it because you need better clips.

if most of your clips were similar to clip 12, 22-30 spec against someone 9 levels higher than you, then it would be a better video.

im not trying to flame i just spend 20 mins trying to point out flaws in your vid that can help you in any future ones. so dont say "lol?" because i have legit reasons for my comments.


Meh, slow paced, and not the best clips.


so hey hi hurr how ya doing


If you dont like vid then go find something else to watch...


If you dont like vid then go find something else to watch...

Want a tisseu?


Abit boring tbh, maybe save up some nice clips.

Also, learn the f-keys, theyre oh so handy, and will speed your switches up.

You might say if you don't like it watch something else. But if no one says anything no one will ever improov.


not to bad but needs more speed for the some of the long 0 fights.

things to work on-

save up for better clips

use something better then straight sharks



better clips brooo


Lil wayne owns :D

but whats with the quality of the bass?

Justin|1 PureDevil

Next time make a vid of yourself, your clips were good,

that tank stl person is terrible at pking.

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