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Uh ohhh I suck lmao.

Robyn| lnch

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I dont know if it was the right decision to go to 60 attack becaues I CANNOT get kills for my life..And its not cause I dont know how to Pk cause I swear I know how to hahaha  :victory:. Stats as of right now

60 attack, 97 str, 99 range, 82 magic, 84 hp (swprodd), and 31 prayer. 6 defense too =(.

What I usually do is MSB-VLS-DDS or MSB-DDS-VLS to kill. And alot of times , some kids would pull out their Protect Melee and just tank it. So, should I get 45 prayer, so I can at pray from pjers/kids who do that. Downside is that it raises my combat to 79 from 77.

Any other suggestions would be helpful  :wub:.


i agree, u suck :)

Edit after reading: Keep this prayer.


Keep 31 prayer, don't really need to get 43+ when solo pking.


45 prayer. I know your not high mage but from 44 it doesnt cmb you.


Any reasons for that Steroids? I see you pk sometimes at Edge, rune knives - rune crossbow - gmaul. I used to do that but that was a year ago and when rune knives werent expensive as shit. Do you make profit pking Steroids , just wondering..cause I definately dont haha, i think i lost like 7m in a week .


i think he mistook you for being 44 pray already but maybe im wrong. and no need to pk with vls, big waste of money in my opinion, just r cbow/dds/rune knife in w/e order u want


I pk with VLS so i can at least ko if my spec fails. And rune knives imo are way too overpriced


45 Prayer is epic completely worth it


45 is great go for it


95 pray 45 def

Why are you so funny...?


learn to accept the fact that some people will protect and when they do you cant. if you cant accept it get 43+pray as well.

for p2p i'd say get 44/45 pray anyways since youll do more damage ranging for not so many extra combat levels. (like steroids said, 44=45)


I'm 13 and 31 Prayer(2 pures) and I do pretty well, in fact I own Edgeville.

Overheads sucks.


thanks for the answers, anyways i have the dbones i need to get 45 prayer if i choose to. but you guys arent making this easy seeing as its pretty much 50/50 on the feedbacks. so imma wait a while for the feedbackl


Im 60 attack, 99 str, 34 prayer - 80 Combat. Just normally Drag scim and dds, I do fine. Maybe its the people that your fighting. Try search for other pures, noobie r00ners, some 40 def rangers. What gloves people are wearing normally give away how good they are ;)


I had same problem on my other acc. 83 str 61 att 83 range 99 mage 82 hp.i had low hp i just kept getting speced out so i made 0ver. hig hp = lower chance of death sw ur hp <3


Pkings changed alot.

Now the best thing you can do if your gonna pk in edge is just take 4 pheonix necklaces and just full your invent with food combos.

If you cant beat em, join em.


95 pray 45 def

Why are you so funny...?

Runs in the family I guess :)


idk how u dont get kills they look like pwnage stats


1v1 keep 31. If they pray melee then have blitz ready. If you want go 44 Pray and get range up.


95 pray 45 def

Why are you so funny...?

Your original post said any other suggestions, that's a good suggestion, turmoil zerker pures are beast.

45 Prayer is ftw, worth it for the bonuses :) Plus it owns for P2P Trips etc.

Hmm.. Idk what you're doing wrong, lol. I had a maxed 60 attack pure. (60 99 1, 99 mage 90 range 45 prayer, for reference) but I was only ranging zerkers and tanks.. I'd skim the rest of the time. Maybe try just straight skim/dds? That worked well for me, lol. Skim+claws is the best combo, though. If you can afford them, I highly suggest claws. They work well on tanks too :D As some people already said, you'd do much better with a higher prayer level. Of course it raises your combat a bit, but you'll live with it lol.

if they melee pray when u use spec just run and say wow learn to tank u fucking idiot

=/ no point in waisting ur shit and risking ur shit if ppl r gona be fags

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