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7 Years of Observing FOE


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Hey all.


I've spent 7 years creeping FOE forums - joining in late 2009/early 2010.


I've never once posted.


Decided to stop being a creeper and say hi.


Hello peasants.


That is all.


(I've played this game since DMUD launch and have probably killed every last one of you at one point or another in wildy - you've been blessed by my presence)



ye, i am also a stalker but i get post count instead cuz it looks good

mihu the monkey

"cmon bro just go say hi, she's not gonna bite you"




government surveillance 

the real faker

yo man post around more


hahahaha great responses. I'll be back around more often.


Rolexx - why now? because I was busy building a business and it legit took every minute of my time. I've recently exited via being acquired and now I've got at least some time to get back in to OS. Side note - Yacht Master has my heart. 


I'm training my OS pure to max for a 60 attack pure.  He should be finished in a few months; I'll prob apply then. In the mean time, I'll be around. 


To those that sad government probe - yes, mostly the probe part. 


Thanks for the welcome guys.


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