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Maul timing..?


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i prefer to hold it by the spec bar until theyre below 10hp then use both specs instantly. It gives them no time to eat whatsoever


Your a dick. and you didn't offend me, you just don't have to act like a fagget, you were acting like an e-thug, not me.


have maul rightclicked press f1 then click spec twice as soon as maul weilds, then it follows by another hit meaning alot harder to avoid/ph neck out of

nice post count


Your a dick. and you didn't offend me, you just don't have to act like a fagget, you were acting like an e-thug, not me.

You do realize that you're raging over nothing, correct? Mind telling me anything I've posted that qualifies me for the status of 'dick' or 'faggot'? I asked a question, got a few good responses and a few sarcastic ones. I responded in-turn to the sarcasm and you attempt to be Mr. InternetWarriorSaveTheDayBadass in a topic that doesn't even concern you. Unless my logic is horribley flawed; It is, infact, you that's acting dickish. So unknot your panties and chill out. Maybe grab a bud light? Idk...

Anyhow, thanks once again for the proper responses. I do appreciate it.


eh,  no point in bothering with you anymore, your head is to thick to realize how much of a dick you are.


I just miss the unlimited G Maul special attack glitch! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh@!


Pk with a dds cause maul is vile


eh,  no point in bothering with you anymore, your head is to thick to realize how much of a dick you are.

You son, look like a right jeb'end!


eh,  no point in bothering with you anymore, your head is to thick to realize how much of a dick you are.

You son, look like a right jeb'end!

Hmmmmmm? I don't speak Ari language ^_^


eh,  no point in bothering with you anymore, your head is to thick to realize how much of a dick you are.

Okay, look.. You got your post count up (I assume that's what you came here for) so you can be on your way. Sorry I damaged your internet ego. Just stop trying so hard and we'll be fine.

Since there's no more proper responses, this thread can die off.


dude... just use d bow/gmaul from far away. or in a combo


lol g maul is a wapon that only can be used by pro's :)


watch n learn k

Sorry to say but that video didn't have many great combos.


Anyways ontopic, you need a faster computer to pull off the insane switches.


lol g maul is a wapon that only can be used by pro's :)

I don't think skill is measured by PC speed.


PC speed, my pc is shit lol.


PC speed, my pc is shit lol.



eh,  no point in bothering with you anymore, your head is to thick to realize how much of a dick you are.

Okay, look.. You got your post count up (I assume that's what you came here for) so you can be on your way. Sorry I damaged your internet ego. Just stop trying so hard and we'll be fine.

Since there's no more proper responses, this thread can die off.

Wrap it up boys, lets not forget this topic is about GMauls not E-gos.

PC speed, my pc is shit lol.



eh,  no point in bothering with you anymore, your head is to thick to realize how much of a dick you are.

Okay, look.. You got your post count up (I assume that's what you came here for) so you can be on your way. Sorry I damaged your internet ego. Just stop trying so hard and we'll be fine.

Since there's no more proper responses, this thread can die off.

Wrap it up boys, lets not forget this topic is about GMauls not E-gos.

I underlined the last part of my last post to reitterate what I said..


i used to dscim-constant g maul. I understnad the timing sucks now. Its not really instant anymore.


Practicing at duel arena always helps a ton before Pking, it's not all that hard to time imo.


Hi lntoxicating :)

Umm ill teach u mo fo :)

L K (Lulz Koed)

When you get a better pc, experiment.

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