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1st Ancient Stat PK.

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So I've been mainly hunting targets since the beginning of December. 250+ Bounty Kills. And yet ZERO Ancient Statuettes.

I was 20% ep.

Half TLH. Got a Targ.

He hopped within 2  minutes (because we fought before and it was a very short fight in my favor).

I hopped to w18 and saw him. Asked him for a legit fight. He said no.

I asked him for a free kill and he said he'll just sit there for 10 minutes til he loses meter.

I then asked him for a free kil since he didnt wanna fight anyways.

He agreed. Deposited his items.

And this is it.

Posted Image


Statius and ancient in same kill, some people have all the luck.  Nice man  :nice:


Statius and ancient in same kill, some people have all the luck.  Nice man  :nice:

Only took me 250 bounty kills lol.


i love how you not only get the stat but you get both ancient stat and the platelegs.lol good job. :nice:


Lucky :[


Statius and ancient in same kill, some people have all the luck.  Nice man  :nice:

Only took me 250 bounty kills lol.

And you died how many times during this massacre?  Btw its I Firesage I, we pked in edge a while back :p

;) Gj matee.


i still dont have one yet either.

650 bh kills or so.


l0l i know iid e a t h,he's cool ^.^

Adam | LayDown

and stat legs, nice

Wow, was that off a lot of stored death potential?

nice luck :)

my best loot from 0itemer targ was dh helm few month's ago.


Nicee. I never get good loots :'<<

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