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Im sure you'll remember me - pking video #11 - saying bi with a bang.

own3d tyvm

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Some fairly good clips, membership ran out before finished, but here it is

leave a comment :) thanks for all the good times FOE

was short but sweet

time for me too leave

Edited it up - any more info's in description

Give it a rate and a comment.

Thanks for the support etc FOE, bi :(


I enjoyed, good job dude :D


Will edit.

Wasn't bad for the combat


Whos gonna upload mine? ;) Will watch inabit. <3

Edit: Tidy vid, will miss you!  :blush:


Whos gonna upload mine? ;) Will watch inabit. <3

Edit: Tidy vid, will miss you!  :blush:

You could still email me :) i wouldnt mine something for the fans, reason to stay subbed.


Great vid, enjoyed watching it  ^_^

Maybe one day you'll come back to scape some more when life is a little slower :p


Nice one mate, you were a good guy.


<3 gl irl and nice vid was fun talking to you at drags made the boring unboring


i liked it,nice mate. good luck


Me spotted 3rd clip, lucky lol. gl quiting.


Gl quitting, see u in a month lol and good vid as usual


nice vid although you wont quit.

Exibit A, if you're quitting, why do you care about subs for your rs vids? ^.^


Whos gonna upload mine? ;) Will watch inabit. <3

Edit: Tidy vid, will miss you!  :blush:

You could still email me :) i wouldnt mine something for the fans, reason to stay subbed.

Yeh alrite mate, you got msn btw? If not whats ya e-mail?

Whos gonna upload mine? ;) Will watch inabit. <3

Edit: Tidy vid, will miss you!  :blush:

You could still email me :) i wouldnt mine something for the fans, reason to stay subbed.

Yeh alrite mate, you got msn btw? If not whats ya e-mail?

Whos gonna upload mine? ;) Will watch inabit. <3

Edit: Tidy vid, will miss you!  :blush:

You could still email me :) i wouldnt mine something for the fans, reason to stay subbed.

Yeh alrite mate, you got msn btw? If not whats ya e-mail?


just made for rs peoples :D i wont be on much, but ill catch you later. ;D


Thanks for the + comments :)


I recommend you to vist an ophthalmologist if you have eye problems. You probably have eyestrain and that's easy to treat and exams are temporary so I guess you will come back.

I kinda liked your videos, which is hard, even though you weren't the best video maker in Runescape.


i don't know you but ill miss ur vids ;(

gl irl


most emotional vid ever :'(


nice vid, too bad it was your last.

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