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Europe Vs USA


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I seem to remember someone suggesting a thread like this.

I really dont understand why so many people claim to hate us (americans). Honestly, what have we done? Is it our flag waving? That doesn't really hurt anyone. Maybe hating america is just cool right now.


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We do a lot of stupid shit on a global scale lol.  Europe's problem is their lack of doing shit.  Also some of Europe has been historically noob.  Example: France has not won a war without our help.  EVER.


We wouldn't even be a country if it wasn't for France. People are basically the same everywhere. Our problem is that we have it too good, hence the fatness. Maybe that's why people don't like us.


We (America) push our beliefs on other countries, a democratic government and people's rights.. and so forth. If we can't persuade them into converting their government we think of some bullshit reason to declare war or invade them and forcing them to do as we say.

However, we are a super-power, and to be on our side is a big deal if a nuclear war popped off. America is the muscle of the world, get with it.



Americans tend to be ignorant as fuck. They have no desire to learn anything outside of themselves because 'Derp! America is #1! Other countries have nothing! We are the melting pot'.

Well we have a lot you don't. Here are a few points I want to pick up on;

-Heritage is something you don't have. For every Taco Bell you have we have a castle. A fucking castle, how badass is that?

I love how the Americans attempt to impersonate the British by speaking like The Queen, and telling us we drink tea. Seriously, here in Britain our accents change every 5-15 miles, unlike imbred America who have 3 accents through-out their entire continent.


Europe has more iconic figures than you have pubes (Hitler, Einstein, Napoleon, Newton, Da Vinci & thousands more). America has about twelve.

Americans insist that British people are polite. I'm sure you'd say sorry for bumping into someone if you have a knife to your chest too. London has been confirmed more dangerous than New York.

American drama series fucking suck, The Hills, and all those other bullshit, mind-numbing shows are fucking awful. You took The Office, changed it from a realist god-mode show. Into something dreadful and akward to watch. I'm probably going to slit my throat when they release the American Skins this year. The best show to come from America was The Osbournes (lol birmingham).

I'll add more when someone decides to add a valid arguement so that I don't feel asthough I'm arguing with myself.


amerikuns invenntid inglish silly


So you don't like America because we havn't been around for very long and our TV is gay? Seems to me like you have decided against the people without even getting to know them.

Also, southpark, the simpsons, and family guy (i hate family guy but people seem to like it) all came from here. Yea i know they are all cartoons.

They don't show the british office here for some reason. I honestly didn't even know there was one lol.


It just had to be made, didn't it... ._.

Well you know what I hate?

When I go on xbox and every fucking European retard (Not saying ALL euros who play are retards) who plays ends up going "Shut up you fat American yank wank cunt" while I'm talking with my friends. I'M NOT FUCKING AMERICAN :angry:


So you don't like America because we havn't been around for very long and our TV is gay? Seems to me like you have decided against the people without even getting to know them.

Also, southpark, the simpsons, and family guy (i hate family guy but people seem to like it) all came from here. Yea i know they are all cartoons.

They don't show the british office here for some reason. I honestly didn't even know there was one lol.

Ugh, no. I didn't say that, I said that's what we have going for us. Since Americans are usually convinced that other countries have nothing and they have everything.

When I went to England the people actually seemed to be pretty nice. Well, the English people were anyways. I got a few looks when people heard my accent, but that's about it. I think the whole we hate America thing is way bigger on the internet than it is irl.


Americans are generally more self-centreed and selfish because of the way that theyre bought up. Always being told "you are special" and "believe in yourself and you can do anything" and all that crap. NOT ALL AMERICANS, just generally.


Belgium is the place to be


Americans generally have very little idea how without Europe, America wouldn't exist as it is now.

I like America, obviously its big and there's loadsa different people, but everything there is so cheap/easy (you don't know how easy you have it). A lot of your TV programs etc are good, and that's all that really effects me atm.


Europe has more iconic figures than you have pubes (Hitler, Einstein, Napoleon, Newton, Da Vinci & thousands more). America has about twelve.

southern accent, hillbilly accent, african american accents, northerner, west coast accents, new jersey accents (jersey shore fa sho), texan accents, the list goes on.

Edison, Armstrong, Bill Gates (yeah that computer you're using), Al Gore (lolwut thx for internet), no srsly the list of what america has contributed to the industrial world is endless to be honest

our country is like 500 yrs old max and look how far it's gone, and duh america wouldnt be america if it wasn't for france and england, but if america wasnt here then you guys would be shit out of luck in both the WW's.. unlike ur tiny ass countries, you cannot stereotype americans as one thing, because honestly we are one giant melting pot for culture and races.

edit: what d72 said, i've been called a fat american yank/wank more times then i can count. if you're going to insult me then come up with something other then "stop eating mcdonald's, ur so fat" etc. etc... i've been vegetarian for my whole life -.- unlike ur tiny ass countries, you cannot stereotype americans as one thing, because honestly we are one giant melting pot for culture and races.

and how is it easier VxT? we all work/sweat/bleed just like you do, we have no health care, most of us are working just as much as you


idk man when I went to london I saw just about every race and culture you can think of. And we do have it pretty easy here compared to a lot of countries. Gas is like 7 dollars a fucking gallon in England or atleast it was when I was there. Also, you can't stereotype anyone as one thing. I don't think they really hate us. Giving us a hard time is just cool atm I guess.


and how is it easier VxT? we all work/sweat/bleed just like you do, we have no health care, most of us are working just as much as you

Compare the price of something. A PS3 for example, it will cost around 20% more to us. Fuel? Houses? You have no healthcare? Ours isn't free, we pay taxes for it, along with basically everything. So the people who don't get sick pay for nothing? Yet I think how yours works you only pay if you get ill etc.? Sounds real bad.

unlike ur tiny ass countries, you cannot stereotype americans as one thing, because honestly we are one giant melting pot for culture and races.

Good point, although Europe isn't a tiny country, it's basically the same as America.

A lot of the people you mentioned rely on others discoveries, Armstrong (he was a pilot, anybody in NASA could have been the first guy on the moon) was basically a guy who said 1 line, and the Russians were the first to land something on the moon I believe. Bill Gates, without him where would we be? Idk, perhaps using Macs or something, he didn't invent computers y'know. British people invented TVs too B)

Also, if you didn't exist, we wouldn't be fucked in the world wars, because the world would be a very different place, Europeans would live in America with the resources etc. to defeat Nazi's who most likely wouldn't have done what they did anyway.


@Skid, read up on your history. Without Britain, let alone the rest of Europe, the Germans would have beaten seven shades of shit out of your fabulous homeland.

To put it simply, after Russia lost 10 Million troops, Churchill bomb-fucked Berlin and France was basicly a giant trench, lets say the German's pushed through Britain too, what would America do then? You think you could have won, even after all that sacrifice from Europe? No, faggot. Nazi's & Japs would have been skull-fucking your grand parent's corpses.   


Oh come on, we all know that our grandparents were breathing a sigh of relief when the Americans joined the allies :sleep:


Joined? No, we were allies back in WW1, only America didn't turn up until the Japs made some bad moves.


To put it in terms people will understand better.

There is a war, on one team we have DI (Nazi Germany), FF (Japan & Various other small countries). Then, on the other team we have FOE (America), MM (Britain) & TLP (China, Russia, France, New zeland).

DI have 500 opts.

FF have 500 opts.

(1,000 total)

FOE have 200 opts.

MM have 200 opts.

TLP hav 600 opts.

(1,000 total)

TLP are at Greaters fighting with DI & FF, losing opts rapidly, returning as fast as they can. They're PMing Mahatma 'Come help us the fuck out'. So Mahatma & the rest of MM charge in with the most expensive gear (Berlin bombings).

Meanwhile, FOE are in Edgeville, Mikes training Firemaking, people are clearing their banks, noone gives a fuck. Then FF start DDoSing random members (Shooting down merchant boats), BoneSaw doesn't care, he's happy to stay PKing at edge. Until FF DDoS Nory (Pearl Harbour bombings), this pisses Dave (Roosevelt) off.

Mahatma (Churchill) is on the blower to Dave. Dave tells Mahatma he'll be there soon. Two whole days later, he turns up. The opts are;

DI have 350.

FF have 350.

TLP have 400.

MM have 150.

FOE have 200.

Then, TOGETHER, all three have enough to take out DI & FF.

Somehow, from that, FOE are declared the 'Heros' for 'Saving' Europe. When as a matter of fact, you're one of the worst fucking allies ever.

People can say what they like about the French being cowards, but we all know they sacrificed a lot in that war, and America turned up years later.


unlike ur tiny ass countries, you cannot stereotype americans as one thing, because honestly we are one giant melting pot for culture and races.

Man, there wouldn't be America without Europeans. You know that and so do i.

And tbh, America wont be united as its now after let's say 300 years from now. Thats something that history has proven us.


Bro the Americans weren't being cowards, they were being smart... The war didn't concern them at all and there was no such thing as NATO, and to be honest I probably would have done the same thing. The Americans did not want to get involved because it wasn't even their war, they had no reason to interfere. Roosevelt wanted to help, but congress and the citizens were strong against going to another country to fight. The only reason why they declared war on Jap was because, like you said, Pearl Harbour was being attacked, and this gave Roosevelt the opportunity he wanted to enter the war. Also, there were multiple times where German ships would have small firefights with American ships while crossing.

That being said, I think the main reason that America is regarded as war heroes is because of their help with multiple things, such as D-Day and giving the final, unnecessary blow to end the war. I don't really know, because all I'm really familiar with is Canada's involvement and the general basis of the war itself.


The Americans did not want to get involved because it wasn't even their war, they had no reason to interfere.

Well, you could say that the war on Iraq isn't anything to do with France, but when they aren't willing to get involved America get butthurt and stop a shitload of trade.

Like I said America were part of the Allied Powers since WWI, and everyone knows that soon as the axis had fucking up Europe they'd have been straight over the ocean to fuck the States up too. America only got involved for themselves, they aren't heroes.

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