Adam|Note Posted February 21, 2010 Posted February 21, 2010 skypilot you proved how much of a brainless turd you are in the other America vs Europe thread, no need to do it again.
Jim Posted February 21, 2010 Posted February 21, 2010 Bit harsh. ;/ I reckon Sky is probably the only person in this thread who is doing America any favours.
lntoxicating Posted February 21, 2010 Posted February 21, 2010 Our global image is a bunch of fat asses, lol. Which in most cases is true.. You see more obese Americans than fit ones. This stems from the fact that our system is FUCKED. We're allowed to be lazy and get away with it (welfare system, etc.) On the other hand, most european countries wouldn't be able to thrive without our help. WW1 and 2 would've been lost to the Germans/Nazis if we didn't step in and save Europe's ass. You guys can say we're fucking things up in the middle east, but fact of the matter is they've been at war over there for over 2000 years. Us stepping in isn't changing a damn thing except bringing media coverage. In all honesty, America is the scapegoat that people like to blame for their problems. "we're in a recession it's America's fault." < Prime example. No, America did not cause a world-wide recession. Greedy CEO's and world banks caused a world-wide recession. IF we had the power to cause a world-wide recession, you guys wouldn't have any money at all (europe) lol. Also, we send more aid packages to third world countries and natural disasters that happen, than any other country in the world. Also, if you didn't exist, we wouldn't be fucked in the world wars, because the world would be a very different place, Europeans would live in America with the resources etc. to defeat Nazi's who most likely wouldn't have done what they did anyway.Wrong. You would.. See, we exist because we fought for our freedom against the tyrannous rule of your king. Essentially, we ARE europeans. Atleast, we stem from the same history as you. The only difference is the fact we got out from under the rule of a corrupt government (for a time) only to be put back under the rule of an even worse government later in the 20th century. And no, the world would not be a different place if we didn't win the American Revolution. The only difference would be the fact we'd still be under the rule of your terrible monarchy. (no offence, but you guys have really fucked your shit up with your govt.) And you guys would've lost the world wars. Also, you cannot say the "Nazis most likely wouldn't have done what they did." << Do you realize WHY the nazis did what they did? You're saying the Nazis killed millions of jews and tried to take over the world because America exists. No, they did that because Hitler was a sociopathic leader who thought he had the key to the master race, when in reality he was part jew himself. It had absolutely nothing to do with America.IDK though, Euro chicks are fucking amazingly sexy. I'd rather live in europe than America any day just because of that.
Jim Posted February 21, 2010 Posted February 21, 2010 Fuck sake, America didn't save Europe anymore than we saved you. How many times do I have to ask; What do you think would have happend if the Germans beat Britain? You think America would be able to take them with next to no allies? Yeah-fucking-right.
Adam|Note Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 Typical American response to the world wars. "We saved you guys". No, you didn't. You came into WWI when it was practically over and demanded all sorts of shit in the Treaty of Versailles, and then you carried on trading with Germany after releasing the most anti-Germany propaganda ever.
lntoxicating Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 Please provide proof of your accusations. If you can't, they're void. It's a widely accepted truth that America bailed you guys out of WW2. I didn't see any European names on the A-bomb. Which effectively ended WW2. Where was Europe during the storming of Normandy, which turned the tides of battle? These aren't "typical American responses," these are historical facts. You can get pissy and try to argue them all you'd like, but we're pretty badass when it comes to war.
Adam|Note Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 Where were America during the battle of Gallipoli during WWI? Canada were there. Australia and New Zealand were there. Even the French were there. America weren't. As for the A-Bomb ending WW2.. No. The war ended with the unconditional surrender of Germany on May 7th. A-bombs were dropped around the beggining of August. I America, at those times, were not badass when it came to war.
lntoxicating Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 Where were America during the battle of Gallipoli during WWI? Canada were there. Australia and New Zealand were there. Even the French were there. America weren't. As for the A-Bomb ending WW2.. No. The war ended with the unconditional surrender of Germany on May 7th. A-bombs were dropped around the beggining of August. I America, at those times, were not badass when it came to war. We've always been badass when it comes to war. Our whole history is based on war. I fail to see how you believe we'd stake our reputation on some obscure ww1 battle that nobody knows about and there's a 9/10 chance you researched it before posting. If you're going to try to argue semantics about WHEN ww2 ended, atleast provide proof. I know you researched it so you could attempt be right; But fact remains, the a-bomb ended the war. The war was not over until both Germany AND Japan surrendered. Germany surrendered in the spring, while it took the dropping of the A-bomb for Japan to surrender in the summer. I'm not pulling things out of my ass. Do some more research. As for the debate itself, it'll continue forever. You guys have sexy women, we have fat women. But we'd kick your ass in war. Jim, I hate to do this.. But I'mma call your bluff. I'll see your fatass and raise you an ape.
I C0NN0R I Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 I don't even know where to begin the list, your ignorance disgusts me. not that any of this matters because Australia owns you both.
lntoxicating Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 I don't even know where to begin the list, your ignorance disgusts me. not that any of this matters because Australia owns you both. All of your anscenstors were conns! YAY! Your country was one big prison, lol.
Adam|Note Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 Where were America during the battle of Gallipoli during WWI? Canada were there. Australia and New Zealand were there. Even the French were there. America weren't. As for the A-Bomb ending WW2.. No. The war ended with the unconditional surrender of Germany on May 7th. A-bombs were dropped around the beggining of August. I America, at those times, were not badass when it came to war. We've always been badass when it comes to war. Our whole history is based on war. I fail to see how you believe we'd stake our reputation on some obscure ww1 battle that nobody knows about and there's a 9/10 chance you researched it before posting. If you're going to try to argue semantics about WHEN ww2 ended, atleast provide proof. I know you researched it so you could attempt be right; But fact remains, the a-bomb ended the war. The war was not over until both Germany AND Japan surrendered. Germany surrendered in the spring, while it took the dropping of the A-bomb for Japan to surrender in the summer. I'm not pulling things out of my ass. Do some more research. As for the debate itself, it'll continue forever. You guys have sexy women, we have fat women. But we'd kick your ass in war. Jim, I hate to do this.. But I'mma call your bluff. I'll see your fatass and raise you an ape. I did History in high school actually. The fact that you're calling the Gallipoli campaign an "unknown battle" is just proving your lack of knowledge on this subject further. You continue to ask me for proof of the facts like you are unable to research them yourself. I haven't got time to waste going onto google to fetch you some links that prove i'm right, you can do that yourself. You should also know that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings are considered the most unnecessary attacks ever. And the fact that America had to join forces with soviet Russia to pull it off pretty much crushes the "America are badass" point. Hitler was the only badass in WW2, the motherfucker had the balls to take back the Rhineland.
lntoxicating Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 I did History in high school actually. The fact that you're calling the Gallipoli campaign an "unknown battle" is just proving your lack of knowledge on this subject further. You continue to ask me for proof of the facts like you are unable to research them yourself. I haven't got time to waste going onto google to fetch you some links that prove i'm right, you can do that yourself. You should also know that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings are considered the most unnecessary attacks ever. And the fact that America had to join forces with soviet Russia to pull it off pretty much crushes the "America are badass" point. Hitler was the only badass in WW2, the motherfucker had the balls to take back the Rhineland. You're right, I'm not a ww1 historian. Nor are you. And honestly, who gives a shit about ww1? What was accomplished in ww1? I'm still under the impression you googled your information, but that's besides the point. Don't lie about time, lol.. You troll these forums 24/7. Also, Japan wouldn't have surrendered without the use of the A-bomb. It saved 100's of thousands of ally lives. Again, please cite the information in your claims. By whom is it considered one of the most unecessary attacks? You? Because in the grand scheme of things, your opinion matters-not. If you can't provide sufficient proof, nothing you say is validated.
Adam|Note Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 I did History in high school actually. The fact that you're calling the Gallipoli campaign an "unknown battle" is just proving your lack of knowledge on this subject further. You continue to ask me for proof of the facts like you are unable to research them yourself. I haven't got time to waste going onto google to fetch you some links that prove i'm right, you can do that yourself. You should also know that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings are considered the most unnecessary attacks ever. And the fact that America had to join forces with soviet Russia to pull it off pretty much crushes the "America are badass" point. Hitler was the only badass in WW2, the motherfucker had the balls to take back the Rhineland. You're right, I'm not a ww1 historian. Nor are you. I'm still under the impression you googled it. Don't lie about time, lol.. You troll these forums 24/7. Also, Japan wouldn't have surrendered without the use of the A-bomb. It saved 100's of thousands of ally lives. Again, please cite the information in your claims. By whom is it considered one of the most unecessary attacks? You? Because in the grand scheme of things, your opinion matters-not. If you can't provide sufficient proof, nothing you say is validated. 1) Did WW1, WW2, Africa, 1920-1940 America in high school. 2) I spend little time on these forums, and the troll here is you. You can't accept you're wrong. 3) Harry Truman called the attack unecessary. As far as this argument goes, it's you, who has little knowledge of History against myself, who has studied it. If you took the time to research what i've said, you'd know i'm right. But the fact is you're to arrogant to do this as you'd prove yourself wrong. As for validation, you have provided none, your opinion is that the a-bomb ended the war. It's not the facts. Now don't reply untill you know what's what scrub.
lntoxicating Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 1) Did WW1, WW2, Africa, 1920-1940 America in high school. 2) I spend little time on these forums, and the troll here is you. You can't accept you're wrong. 3) Harry Truman called the attack unecessary. As far as this argument goes, it's you, who has little knowledge of History against myself, who has studied it. If you took the time to research what i've said, you'd know i'm right. But the fact is you're to arrogant to do this as you'd prove yourself wrong. As for validation, you have provided none, your opinion is that the a-bomb ended the war. It's not the facts. Now don't reply untill you know what's what scrub. See, this is the point where I know you feel you lost the debate. Well, this is the point where it's clear you lost the debate. When a person starts insulting the other person, they've clearly lost. You, my friend, feel the need to insult. Your post is nothing but propaganda, which is pure irony considering the topic of discussion. No facts come from your fingertips. The A-bomb was dropped in August of 1945 which lead to the surrender of Japan to the ally forces. Thereby effectively ending the greatest war the world has ever known. Â that is fact. It must suck to be so bad at arguing a subject that you're forced to lower yourself to insulting the person you're debating against, merely because you lack the knowledge to defend the subject at hand. Your generic internet insults aren't going to prove you any more right than your lackluster post that said nothing at all. Okay, you studied history in school. Guess what? We all did. When you have a degree in world history I'll be impressed. Until then, any knowledge you feel you have that is superior to anyone on these forums is 1 click away. It's called google. The only problem is you haven't presented us with any knowledge. You mentioned an obscure ww1 battle that has nothing to do with the topic. Yay for you. Again I'll say: Cite your claims. Everything you've stated is merely opinion. Biased opinion. Whereas I've stated fact. Oh and please don't start pmsing @ me in PM again, just because I prove you to be nothing more than a pseudo-intellectual. See, the difference is I don't claim to be an authority on this subject. I know what I know and the information I don't know, I research. I don't choose to stay ignorant.
Adam|Note Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 1) Did WW1, WW2, Africa, 1920-1940 America in high school. 2) I spend little time on these forums, and the troll here is you. You can't accept you're wrong. 3) Harry Truman called the attack unecessary. As far as this argument goes, it's you, who has little knowledge of History against myself, who has studied it. If you took the time to research what i've said, you'd know i'm right. But the fact is you're to arrogant to do this as you'd prove yourself wrong. As for validation, you have provided none, your opinion is that the a-bomb ended the war. It's not the facts. Now don't reply untill you know what's what scrub. See, this is the point where I know you feel you lost the debate. Well, this is the point where it's clear you lost the debate. When a person starts insulting the other person, they've clearly lost. You, my friend, feel the need to insult. Your post is nothing but propaganda, which is pure irony considering the topic of discussion. No facts come from your fingertips. The A-bomb was dropped in August of 1945 which lead to the surrender of Japan to the ally forces. Thereby effectively ending the greatest war the world has ever known. Â that is fact. It must suck to be so bad at arguing a subject that you're forced to lower yourself to insulting the person you're debating against, merely because you lack the knowledge to defend the subject at hand. Your generic internet insults aren't going to prove you any more right than your lackluster post that said nothing at all. Okay, you studied history in school. Guess what? We all did. When you have a degree in world history I'll be impressed. Until then, any knowledge you feel you have that is superior to anyone on these forums is 1 click away. It's called google. The only problem is you haven't presented us with any knowledge. You mentioned an obscure ww1 battle that has nothing to do with the topic. Yay for you. Again I'll say: Cite your claims. Everything you've stated is merely opinion. Biased opinion. Whereas I've stated fact. Oh and please don't start pmsing @ me in PM again, just because I prove you to be nothing more than a pseudo-intellectual. See, the difference is I don't claim to be an authority on this subject. I know what I know and the information I don't know, I research. I don't choose to stay ignorant. The war had died down in the months between Germanys surrender and America pointlessly bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The only "war" going on after Germanys surrender was the Japanese fighting American and Canadian soldiers that had set up base on Japanese soil along with some Russian regiments looting poverty stricken villages. The Americans not leaving when things had simmered down is the reason why they escalated again. You say my posts are nonsense and that you research everything you don't know, but you clearly haven't researched anything i've said. Why haven't you done this? Your brain is obviously failing you, so i'll tell you why. You care to much about not losing this e-argument (which you've already lost btw) and know that looking up anything i've said will prove you wrong. I can garuntee i've delved deeper into this subject than you have and ever will. Along with proving yourself to be an idiot you've proven, yet again, that you are an amazingly arrogant hypocrite. You speak of insults like you weren't dishing them out first. And as for facts, everything i've said has been a fact, unlike yours. You're clearly running out of insults as everything you've said in the above quote you used in the last thread I outsmarted you in. You speak of intellect but yours stretches no further than a few memorised half-witty insults.
lntoxicating Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 This is the reason you lost :) When you can extend your vernacular beyond parotting things I've already said, you might stand a chance in a debate. I mean, really.. You obviously don't even know half the words you're using because they're used in the wrong context. Also, I believe you mean "too" not "to". Please, if you're going to speak of intellect as if you're some sort of professor, atleast learn proper spelling of the most trivial words. If I have to point out your flaws in order for you to fix them, any attempts at a debate with you is feeble and only shrinks my intelligence to your level... Which is obviously far inferior. This point is only furthered by the fact you started insulting me in the middle of the debate. If you can show me where I insulted you, I'll gladly retract everything I've said. You can't; Once again your claims did not happen. Good day. You lost. EDIT: Seems you're 0-2 against me ;) sucksssssssssss huh?
Jim Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 See, this is the point where I know you feel you lost the debate. Well, this is the point where it's clear you lost the debate. When a person starts insulting the other person, they've clearly lost. You, my friend, feel the need to insult. Your post is nothing but propaganda, which is pure irony considering the topic of discussion. No facts come from your fingertips. fact. What are you, a master of psychology? I lol'd at the pathetic grammar Nazing in the post above, not nobel enough to accept defeat so you jump straight off-topic and get onto your high-horse and make this a battle of intellect rather than what it was originally.
gfdgfd Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 Really love how all of you are using facts like "europe hates us" "we hate so and so" Oh sorry i forgot you were the fucking government of your country and not some little teenager sitting in his room speaking for his whole country, when infact, you're just talking for your own generation, and in all fucking honesty, your generation hating other countries does not mean diddly fucking squit i'm afraid, You're not the ones with the power to launch the nukes, and you never will be. Alot of you can't even vote yet, some can, but that still doesn't make much of a difference. Shut the fuck up with the europe vs USA bullshit, because last time i checked, Europe and USA were allies, and likely always will be, and nothing any of you punk ungrateful american, european hating teenagers, or vise versa.. can do or say will change that, this topic is stupid tbh ¬.¬
Snow Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 Does it really matter if we were there or not. Straight up, if we didn't come over during WW2 you know you guys would of been fucked along with Russia. I don't give a fuck about WWI it was all trench bullshit, and gases.. whatever. America always wins, no ignorance intended.
Snow Posted February 22, 2010 Posted February 22, 2010 People are already making suitcase sized nuclear weapons. It's only a matter of time until terrorists start setting them off.
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