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Notable updates


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Will be listing all 07 updates that have anything to do with clanning since 2013 to anyone who havent played in a while, Gonna try to keep this topic updated
Link of the topic: http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/forums.ws?317,318,319,65756277
- Nightmare Zone : Best training spot for most of the combat levels http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Nightmare_Zone

5th September 2013

- Ability to imbue various items with Nightmare Zone (Rings from dagganoths, slayer helmet,ring of suffering)

26th September 2013

- The Wilderness Rejuvenation,
13th March 2014

- 6 hour AFK training is prevented,
10th September 2015

- Monkey Madness II, Old School's first new quest,
5th May 2016
With that new bis amulet for strength (Amulet of Torture) , a new bis necklace for range ( Necklace of anguish), A very good defensive ring with addition to infinite recoils (Ring of suffering) bis gloves for magic (Tormented bracelet) http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Lvl-7_Enchant

- New God books,
3rd July 2014
 / also can have infinite books now http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/God_book

- Super Combat Potions,
14th August 2014
( Super att+str+def )

- Zulrah boss is released, new items & the venom mechanic,
8th January 2015
  Very good money making

- Zeah part one - Great Kourend,
7th January 2016
(Anglerfish got in the game, which is basically a rocktail)

- Multiple god capes and diary gear can be obtained,
24th March 2016

- Magic skillcape perk changed to give five spellbooks swap,
7th April 2016

- Sand Crabs on Zeah,
19th May 2016
Great training spot with no requirements

- Full Elder Chaos Druid,
11th August 2016 Best magic bonus gear for 1 def http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Elder_chaos_druid_robes

- Light Ballista for 65 ranged,
3rd November 2016 Great 2h ranged weapon for those who dont have acb  http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Light_ballista

- Magic boosting prayers now increase magic defence too,
1st December 2016

- Only your systems official default mouse keys program is allowed,
25th January 2017
  (aka ahk being bannable)


- Dragon Claws, Twisted Bow, Drag Thrownaxes, Dragon Hunter Cbow, Ancestral Robes, Dinh's Bulwark, Twisted Buckler, Kodai Wand, Elder Maul, Dragon Sword, Dragon, Infernal fishing Harpoons, Rigour, Augury and Preserve prayers
- Smite instantly deactivates prayers when 0 prayer points,
12th January 2017

- Various new haircuts & hairstyles,
9th February 2017 Very important :ph34r:

Shift-Click drop option,
23rd February 2017

- Teleblock effects are removed in safe areas in PvP worlds,
2nd March 2017

 - Regular energy potions available in F2P,
9th March 2017
- Bank PINs can remain unlocked for 5 minutes after logging out,
9th March 2017
 - Silver jewerly : Burning necklaces got some great wilderness teles



- Castle wars items cheaper:  The cost of magic armour from Castle Wars has been reduced to 20, 40 and 30 tickets for the hat, top and legs respectively.
The cost of ranged armour from Castle Wars has been reduced to 40 and 30 tickets for the top and legs respectively.

The cost of halos from Castle Wars has been reduced to 75 tickets. If you already own one of the Castle Wars rewards which have been reduced in price, you can now talk to Lanthus in the Castle Wars lobby to reclaim the difference in ticket cost.
11st May 2017

- Rogue's set: now be awarded the set in order, rather than randomly.

18th May 2017


- Pest Control changes: Change of points rewards and anti-afk system http://services.runescape.com/m=news/pest-control--open-weekend?oldschool=1

8th June 2017


- Amethyst: New equipment being:

Amethyst bolts (Equivalent to runite bolts)
Amethyst arrows ~ Can be used on Magic shortbow (+6 bonus compared to rune arrows and -5 compared to dragon arrows)
Amethyst Javelins (+11 compared to rune javelins and -15 compared to dragon javelins)

22nd June 2017

- Zamorak robes f2p:
The robes themselves offer the best magic bonuses in F2P. The top and bottom each arrive with a +2 Magic attack, +3 Magic defence, and +3 Prayer bonus. Great for str training with bludgeon but no ranged/magic bonus . Might be useful for using elder maul
- Castle wars f2p 

20th July 2017

- Gargoyle boss / Granite warhammer

26th October 2017

- Ahrim's staff upgrade
Ahrim's staff is now 1-handed and also provides a 5% magic damage increase.


-3 attack bonus and +2 str compared to dragon scimitar, requires 70 attack tho and its slower

16th November 2017

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