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uh wtf?


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i just fought a guy, and im about to own him and all... some how instead of killing eachother he kills me and gets saved by ring of life?? ever happened to you?


No, but it seems perfectly possible.  If you can fire 1 dbolt or other such delayed range attack on 0 hp normally (which you can), it seems possible that RoL could be activated after the person's opponent dies.


is what im sayin

then next fight me and this guy maul KO eachother at the same time  :sleep:


Never happened to me :p


ive whip ko'd someone as they do the same to me before, sounds like he just got really lucky lol


Lol GG. Never happened to me ever, I'm afraid to say :).

Benny The Leak LMAO

LOLZ Thats gotta suck, in PvP i dds speced my targ then he teleported so my hits didnt show up till after he telied, then i got a message saying i killed him but i ran to varrock and telied fally and cammy etc, couldent find my loot =( Probly was a house tab


i seen that before lol its so gay but the part where u got food and other guy is like "out" and on 40 hp and he keeps combo u like 34 30 33 34 31 32 35 is just fucking fml

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