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Pure build


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Hey Guy's,

me and @Austin where talking about a pure build for me mayb you Guy's have any idea's

our build would be:







88 combat

cant wait for ur reaction is it good or bad

Posted (edited)

My boy Zammy Cloak in Ruin had a 60 attack 99 prayer account build for the longest time. He eventually caved and got 75 attack but he said that account build was the best time he ever had as a pure.


I think its a good idea for all aspects if you enjoy 60 attack.

Edited by Ir0ny

It is a really nice build; looks impressive and if you enjoy 60 attack (especially since there are claws now) then go for it.


Personally I need access to dem 75 attack weapons - I think I'm gonna end up 75 attack 99 strength 99ranged 1 defence 70prayer ~ 89-90 combat


meh 75 attack 52 prayer will get u same cb and sounds alot stronger, imagine ags and sotd power


If ur getting 99 pray...just get 75 attack...


Bit over kill though. Were supposed to be capped at 88 combat. Several over that though...


I'd say 75 attack with 70 prayer. Hard to get smited with 70 pray...and ags+sotd is op


I know how it is to play with 75 att 60 att is better for me 

also staying low combat with those insane stats is realy usefull in trips p2p/f2p and preps/inners we need more Decent magers/tribirds

Posted (edited)

well the only reason people stick 60 attack is usually for pking purposes and to be at a lower combat, getting 88 combat with 99 pray kind of defeats the purpose of it and people with 88 combat and 75 attack have stronger gear and higher hits, so you'll be worse off at pking than other 60 attack pures and worse off than other 75 att pures at your combat of 88 so you'll be worse off at both pking and cwa than other builds so doesn't really make sense to lose out on than for a few prayer levels.

Edited by Ando
38 minutes ago, Paul said:

Good clanning build, poor solo PKing build

i focus on clanning first i can always make a pk account later prob a ava pure with 50 att and fire cape like b s e r was

9 minutes ago, Douwe said:

i focus on clanning first i can always make a pk account later prob a ava pure with 50 att and fire cape like b s e r was

Sounds good then :D

dj yolobear

would be nice


no better weapons or max hits and same combat as 75 attack, id rather have an ags to be honest :/ (but that's just me)

mihu the monkey
Posted (edited)

i used to think 60 att is cool and eveything and i stayed 60att for many months (because i was doing most my clanning on a 30def acc) but in reality 60att is ass, even if ur nhing u want that toxic staff spec bar to make the 1tick fake switches, and if u do any singles at 80+ combat you ABSOLUTELY will want an ags if you want any chance against 45+ def accounts

Edited by mihuuuu

Would be nice i would just skip that 99 pray. Useless combat levels

13 hours ago, Paul said:

Good clanning build, poor solo PKing build



would definitely be good for clanning thats forsure, but im not to sure about cb lvl caps for new pure scene. so id hold off prayer, for now atleast


i like the idea of 70 pray on builds, but 99 just seems abit overkill...


would look hella sick though lol

On 4/18/2017 at 6:55 AM, Paul said:

Good clanning build, poor solo PKing build


  • 2 months later...

All about 75 attack

  • 3 weeks later...

Imo sickest build for clanning  but as mentioned b4 its a less good build for solo pkin


I'd hate not being able to use elder :( seems pretty good as a clanning build though

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