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Corrupt weapons

E O H Shak

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i just got a corrupt b axe drop and i wore it walking to the GE and it degraded, i thought it only degrades when you attack something with it?

Did they change it so it degrades when you just wear it?


It's always been like that... Only regular PvP armour and weapons degrade by combat, like the shit that requires 70+ atk+def to use. Shit that says is corrupt degrades when worn for a certain amount of time, unfortunately.

Since the baxe is degraded, you should use it for F2P PKing. Makes a great substitute for 2h :Hi:


Corrupt items degrade while worn, non-corrupt degrade while in combat.


I always knew that corrupt degrades on worn but my friend told me his vls deraded in less than one hour of fighting... On runehq and tip they say its one hour of combat so he wore it for fun and for fighting and it degraded really fast and a 138 told him it is on worn too so idk...?


Haha Laughed so much :P

Bad luck man, better next time :P

Its my second corrupt b axe :P

And it just saved my ass in bh, ko'd a def nerd ranger i thought i had no chance against and he was my target from earliar that i killed to get the axe rofl!

i would have much rather sold it because i want to save up enough money to buy some rares in the near future


Harsh, oh well, i'm sure you can get another.

Nice car btw :)


Well if it's your 2nd that's not that bad then :p All corrupts degrade when worn, always have.  Regular only degrades when you fight someone else.  Maybe you'll get another one while pking with this one :)


corrupt goes degraded after been worn for 10 seconds or more :P


I'm loving the ko ability its given me, i'm a 1 prayer pure and now when i pull that axe out its like im using a 2h with prayer :)

ko'd my full rune target a second a go with a random ass 27 im happy so far :)

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