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LoL Help a toxic player out!

mihu the monkey

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mihu the monkey

yo I need a lvl up bot for league, my 6th and last ranked smurf got banned (political correctness era sucks no flame no fun)

if some1 could point me to the right direction that would be clean



game got boring when u dont need skill and just  attitude to climb


Get the min lvl to aram and pm me for aram script 4 ez lvl 30


would you pay osrs gp for a unranked lvl 30 though? 

mihu the monkey
1 hour ago, Shoan said:

game got boring when u dont need skill and just  attitude to climb

so true s4 when it started going downhill

mihu the monkey
1 hour ago, Demais said:

Get the min lvl to aram and pm me for aram script 4 ez lvl 30

where the bot at man


I used to be a huge rager, wishing cancer on people etc. What changed my perspective was when I got an account to diamond and got banned right after. All the hard work I put in was worth nothing because of my bad attitude and I decided to make a change. I always play with discord so I encourage my teammates to join and talk with me. It humanizes them and makes communication much easier. 


As soon as you feel the urge to type, you need to think twice. Is the information you are going to type useful? Is it going to benefit my team? Flaming a player who isn't performing well does nothing but encourage more mistakes and ultimately hurts your team twice over now that you're tilted.


Flaming is a reoccurring thought pattern that does nothing but hurt you. Realize when you're tilting, take a deep breathe, and just accept that a game is lost or look for conditions that you can win.

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