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I need help recovering my old forum account [Old School Member of FOE]


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I'm an old-school member of FOE from back before pre-eoc. 

I'm thinking of returning to the scene since you guys recently stepped down to the lower pure clan bracket which I enjoy the most in OSRS currently.

However; my old forum account was known as "Kaz" is for whatever reason showing up as "Poke" to me when I search it up. 

I need my old forum account, it had my old topics/posts, etc; I know it's only like 300 post count...but it still was my profile and I'd like to be able to access it and get involved in the community again. 


Old Profile Link: https://www.foe-rs.com/forums/profile/23502-poke/


Some old topics from back when I was a part of the clan in pre-eoc:






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2 hours ago, Austin said:

hey dude, leaders can get it sorted out an possibly try and confirm with @Luke on who you are. gl

@Adhi is online but said he doesn't have Admin CPU. I don't remember @Luke but I do remember @Walli being a part of the rank structure back then but he's now a legend rank. Nontheless; I'm an old-school member of FOE from back before pre-eoc. 


Here's an old vid I had made of a prep vs. Havoc back then...Was known as "II Kaz II" in-game, and still am.


My 1def pure is "ll Kaz ll" (It's 2 "L's" because I have a zerk that's named "II Kaz II" which was my main 1def before going zerk, my current 1def is 76 combat fully quested, w/ dt, etc; etc;


Never have changed my name from sticking to "Kaz" from before pre-eoc just to try to maybe sometimes come across old friends, etc;

Edited by OSRS420
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Not looking for an old school rank, I'm just saying I'm from an old school version of FOE. I don't mind if I have to start up with the application process, but I would like access to my first FOE profile that I used when I was in FOE from before pre-eoc.

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6 hours ago, Zack said:

A leader/Kris will help you, try reach out to them though.

@Kris has responded but went offline by time I saw it (within minutes). Guess I have to wait for him to reply back, hoping he'll be able to sort this next time he hops on. If so, this account can be deleted and I can just use my original forum account. :biggrin::biggrin:

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