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Wuu2 James


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I wake up to the sound of Monstercat music, it's my alarm clock, at 2 PM sharp. I was up until 3 AM playing last night, and only lost 34 LP after 8 hours of playing, so I'm in pretty good spirits. I'm pretty hungry, so I go downstairs. My mom made ham sandwiches. As she offers a sandwich, I look at her with a look of disgust. Everybody knows ham is terrible, I would rather starve than eat that useless excuse for food.
I decide to take a walk to my nearest Taco Bell for some real food. I put on my Marksman wristband, Gosu T-Shirt, and make my way out the door. "Be careful!" My mom yells as I step out of the house. I rolled my eyes as I slammed the door behind me. I don't need to be careful.
As I make my way down the street, I trip over a branch on the side of the road, skinning my knee. No peel, as usual. I hold in my rage as I stand up, brush myself off, and keep walking. As I approach the Taco Bell, I can't help but feel that I am moving faster, my Converse that I have been wearing since fifth grade feel lighter on my feet than usual, I'm in seventh grade now, so maybe I'm just used to them.
I swing the doors open and step inside like I own the place. I make an active attempt to make sure every person I walk by sees my marksman wristband, just so they know what I'm capable of. I stand behind a woman and her two kids in line, waiting for them to finish their order. Once it's my turn, I step forward, looking at the menu for a moment. I already know what I want, but I want her to think I'm giving it thought. I speak fast and exact, much like my Vayne gameplay. "Two bean burritos, a Quesarito, a 6 piece cinnabon and a large Mountain Dew Baja Blast."The ultimate order, all the pro players are ordering this right now. The cashier repeats my order back to me, but I don't listen, I'm too busy fantasizing about my inevitable climb to diamond. I've already gotten troll teams for my first 759 ranked games this season, but once I hit silver, all the trash will be left back in bronze.
After a short wait, I receive my order and walk out of the Taco Bell. I can't help but take a peek as I walk back to my house. My smile of anticipation turns to a grimace of rage as I look in the bag. They forgot my Quesarito and gave me a Crunchwrap. I told her what I wanted, but she didn't listen, why don't people ever listen? I turn around, stomping back into the Taco Bell, after standing in line for a few second I storm past the people in line. They probably don't even know the best orders right now. I slam the bag down on the counter and repeat my order seven times until I run out of breath. The lady looks at me for a moment before slowly going to the back, bringing me a quesarito and placing it in my bag alongside the Crunchwrap. Score. Works every time.
I walk out again, making my way back home. As I walk in the door my mom calls out to me. "How was your walk honey?" I rolled my eyes and yelled back "Fine!" It wasn't fine, but the next time will be better when they don't have trash tier cashiers. I open my bag, unpacking my lunch. I get started on the bean burrito. As I bite into the tortilla, I immediately spit it out. The beans are cold. How can you mess up a bean burrito? It's literally the easiest thing to make at Taco Bell. I play Vayne at a high level, and people can manage to mess up a bean burrito, unbelievable. The burrito made my stomach turn, I throw the bag away and get on my computer, ready to continue my climb to the top.

Edited by Borzor
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