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Bandos Godsword

Tom (Rendition)

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Tom (Rendition)

So I can afford a BGS now, and I'm coming up to 75 attack.

Trouble is its been falling 4 percent the last couple of updates, and im not particularly keen on buying one then losing 700k every 24hours ish.

So like if you could just give me guesstimates of at what price you reckon it will stop falling, if you could give your logic behind it as well that would be cool.


I've heard BGS are manipulated by merch clans, so it doesn't matter when you buy it they could still be unstable. Anyways, if you're planning on using it I always say just go ahead and get it, prices will go up/down while you have it anyways.


Just go for it, may go up may go down.


i cant imagine it going much further down than that. not without sky rocketing right after.


rs is going into depression, i lost alot in random items over the last week

lost 3m on bgs, 3m on dfs, 1m on fury, 500k on veracs helm...stuff like that so hopefully you dont lose as much as i did lool


They're always gonna be going up n down :unsure2:, don't think it'll be to drastic though


Agreed with previous - it's at a low at the moment, it won't go down much lower. If I were you I'd buy one now ;)

x itsonme x

its really easy to tell if u keep on ge updates if it drops 4% everyday then the one update it drops 2% or 1% buy it then it goes up after that

but then again i could be completely wrong it usually works for me

Tom (Rendition)

its really easy to tell if u keep on ge updates if it drops 4% everyday then the one update it drops 2% or 1% buy it then it goes up after that

but then again i could be completely wrong it usually works for me

Yep, I was thinking of doing that.  Just was hoping anybody could igve me a closer indication.


Wait till the drop % is lower.


I'd wait like a week or so and see what the lowest price the go down to is, when they start to rise, or go down just 100k-200k then go ahead and buy it for mid-max


buy it, in the a week it could drop 500k but you could make more than that in 1 day...

hunt godlink

If your gonna have it for keeps why does it matter how much it is?


Alot of items are crashing recently, mainly due to bh drop rates though. I personally don't see them dropping much more but you never know with these merch clans.

5tup1d ch0ob

I would just buy it if i was you. :nice:

Iz Ahrim Iz

RS recession atm, I'd guess 12-13 would be a realistic minimum.

Tom (Rendition)

Bandos godsword 15.7m +347.4k



I will log on to scape and try get one now.


(20:26:49) -[FX]RuneScript- *** [ GE ]: [M] Bandos Godsword: 14,915,000gp 15,700,000gp 16,485,000gp (Today: +347.4k)

that happened today :P


i think bgs is just trash idk.


buy it you can always sell it later.


Just Buy A Bronze Scimm They welgud  (:


just buy it went up 800k today


you really shudt care lol! unless ur planning to sell it soon

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