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Who got you into clanning?


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Posted (edited)

With so many new faces around here, I think this would be an interesting topic.


Personally, I joined my first clan in 2010/2011, it was called Stoned Memories. Pretty small community, and tbh I had no shit what was going on most of the time.


In OSRS: I got recruited to Young Rebels (l0l) by some guy named Rambo or something  YR later merged with Control, where my love for pure clanning really started. This was back in 2013.


How about you?

Edited by Erik

SKO on a p server i think was my first clan lol


Wizzy T girl, joined Trilogy in 06 or 07. 


Damn man, I actually still remember that guy's name L O L

Posted (edited)

Main clanning on 2015 by arroz lmfao we sucked

Pure clanning on 2016 by Terror tribe lmfao we were the best. Undisputed p2p minis n f2p preps ty @BBLacK naaldo n brahma

Btw terror tribe is my only home

Edited by Demais
Posted (edited)

@Justin|1 PureDevil     this nigga right here got me into clanning


it was between 1 pure devil // foe    or frostydapker // mm

Justin made more pk vids on rscommunity  XD

so thats why i'mhere now

Edited by Cody

I used to pk with Ci Ni, Spr1ngrolls and I fubu I around 2004 in free to play servers, both were in their respective clans (mayhem makers and master of puppets). I wasn't quite strong enough for mm back then and eventually joined master of puppets until it's closure. 


6 minutes ago, Forewarned said:

I used to pk with Ci Ni, Spr1ngrolls and I fubu I around 2004 in free to play servers, both were in their respective clans (mayhem makers and master of puppets). I wasn't quite strong enough for mm back then and eventually joined master of puppets until it's closure. 


do you remember D I P S 3 T // I Lov Desire? 


Joined Destructive Pures back in 2009 because Sean (DP leader) told me to join lol


anyone remember the fallen?

with larsrangerb ? it was a dumb zpb pure clan o.o off2p noobs in   2003-2005


The days of when you would find a team/clan at varrock level 1 or varrock east bank. They would give you a thing like a black hat, pink skirt, aprons, etc. then just pked with them. ( This  was like low level f2p pking but mass numbers)

Then I just moved onto a real clan once I started to like that type of pking.


Been into main clanning ever since like 2006 till 2011


At the start of 07scape, I got recruited for Leet Tactics by a friend, pked alot at varrock ditch at that time. Not much later someone introduced me to Control, joined like a day later and stickt to it till closure. Ever since that moment Ive been involved in the pure community.


@Wildependant introduced me to everyone in Authority and then FOE back in like 2015.


Joined Foe in 2009 > got the ban hammer in early 2010 > made a new account and rejoined Foe in late 2010 > had some drama with 1 item demotes and ended up leaving to Fi for a week with Soft Pillow/Archryda but ended up coming back to Foe > Eoc hit and went to Battlescape then to Old School and the rest is history


just from hanging around the community a little between 09-11, then when osrs started I thought it was the best chance to try it out 


I used to just dh pk in bh all day on 07 til my acc got hacked then i started a pure (the bash acc) got completely maxed 50 atk 44 pray kinda early on in osrs then started w308 pking, eventually w308 risking then when i couldnt find any fights there i started p2p risk fighting and after a while nobody would fight me cuz my acc build was really op for the time so i looked into clanning found it fun and here i am


well my first clan was Lithuanian pures back in like 2006 , my friends got me into it . In 2008 Ive met Dave while pking , we became friends and I joined foe.


My irl mate explained to me what a pure acc build was and he was in Fatality around late 2007, I spent all summer making a pure from scratch and had the bare minimum like 70 str 60 attack 70 range 70 mage and joined what back then were mpc's called DVI.


FOE as my first clan obviously, have always known FOE but decided to give it a shot. Connected to TS in 2014 and hung around a few days but didn't really join the community until March 2015 (Holydreams and Mortuls were the ones I remembered most from 2014) and then joined when my pure was somewhat ready ;)


Found out about pure clanning from FOE pk vid that my friend EP showed me in like 2008 or smth. I never had the stats to join FOE so I joined Epidemic.


Was in fearless when they were out in 2008-2009(?) (think they were more like a team back then)


What made me really wanted to join a real official pure clan was a vid from someone in FOE in 2009 I think. Tried to find it again for many times but never found it :(


joined mayhem makers in july 2010-2014




joined foe in 2015-presenr


Posted (edited)

Got recruited to CP by shiny, got into clanning after a month there and then left to join sv

Edited by Ando

Asked an irl friend which clan to join and he said fatality cuz he had friends there. Learned a lot from the few good warrers there and remain good friends with them

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