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Best Runescape memory before 2010


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Before this new and updated "Runescape 3" runescape, what was your best memory? This was back when full rune was 200k, before GE and everyone was by big bank selling all their items.



For me, it was all the times I was at castle wars. I would be able to spend hours at castle wars no BS. (Zammy portal obviously) 


If you cant think of your favorite memory try to think of something you really enjoyed.


Post below


i miss p2p preps with shit gear and shit spreads, and vent, and old fog (i used to train brid skills for free there)

Posted (edited)

Legendary war.




Edited by Guy

Seeing 100 sets of full rune in the bank after a month of luring with my bro.


finally getting 3m for a robin hood hat after a week of scamming


white:wave2:bsale 25k for all


stealing creations


losing my full rune when i ran into multi in f2p and cried



before 2010? probably the times in my first pure clan and also pking in f2p pvp worlds with my brother and our irl mates


I remember in i think 2009 how stoked i was when me and my bro had a lil 2v3 (on level 40s), killed 1, made the second tele and then chased the third guy through the path between barb village and falador with binds and shit, ended up killing him right before the bank for a corrupt dmace. I dont remember much shit but ye that one had me pumped as

Posted (edited)

Winning the 100 v 100 F2P 115+ Combat Division Jagex cup with Runescape Dinasty :smile: (2011)




Before 2010... definitely just making new pures every like 2-3 months with my friend and low level pked, sniping random fallin leaders, etc. ( Back when you pked with random groups 

Edited by Hilarious

Mage obstacle staking.


Had a blue and a white partyhat. Loved them.


Low lvl pking at Edge. FOG!


I remember I used to stay weeks making Mithril Bars just to make money for a rune chain, rune full helm & rune scimi and go to the wildy. Nooby gear, nooby tank.. overall noob. It was fun tho.


Killing hill giants for money.. oh god


Spending my entire bank on CW gear and supplies, was so fun back then


i remember back when cash stacks didn't change colors and they were all yellow. I would scam people's zammy platebodies lmao. I thought i was the coolest little kid (I would put 1000k and then take out enough to make it 10004gp and since it was all yellow it looked similar) I probably made like 50+m back then


All the replies... right in the feels.

I p0tt3d 4 u

When all the music was new to me when  I started.  The original log in screen and music 


I remember when some friends, and myself would go to the library at lunch, and after school to pk those were some fun times.

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