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Best strength training in NMZ?

0   Hp

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Hoping to have my firecape sometime this week which will then prompt me to start NMZing my strength to a reasonable level. 


75 attack with a fairly okay budget so looking to see what the best weapon is for training strength these days. I know SS was best last time I played but that was like three years ago and with new weapons now in the game I wasn't sure if anything had become the go-to now. 


(I did look at the NMZ training pinned topic but that was last updated 2015 from what I could see)


Bludgeon if you can afford, Blessed SS as SS is so cheap nowadays and would be the best option but also most expensive, otherwise SS


Yeah abyssal bludgeon is the way to go, torture amulet as well if you know what that is. 

30 minutes ago, Paul said:

Bludgeon if you can afford, Blessed SS as SS is so cheap nowadays and would be the best option but also most expensive, otherwise SS


4 minutes ago, City_Wok said:

Yeah abyssal bludgeon is the way to go, torture amulet as well if you know what that is. 


Thanks guys, I'll try and get the money together for the Bludgeon in that case. No idea what the torture amulet is but I'll look into it on 07 wiki or something.

37 minutes ago, 0 Hp said:



Thanks guys, I'll try and get the money together for the Bludgeon in that case. No idea what the torture amulet is but I'll look into it on 07 wiki or something.

Zenyte Jewellery, 75 hp to use and is stronger than a fury. All the zenyte jewellery is better than the onyx ones!


abysal bludgeon best but use blessed ss/ss if u cant afford


have max str gear so torture, b ring i etc


10% pray boosts dmg quiet a bit while not lowering pray that much either

6 minutes ago, Anchor God said:

Zenyte Jewellery, 75 hp to use and is stronger than a fury. All the zenyte jewellery is better than the onyx ones!

Cheers for that mate, missed all these new updates so wouldn't really have known!

4 minutes ago, Shoan said:

abysal bludgeon best but use blessed ss/ss if u cant afford


have max str gear so torture, b ring i etc


10% pray boosts dmg quiet a bit while not lowering pray that much either

Thanks hopefully I'll  get the bludgeon but if not SS and pray boosts could be a good shout, appreciate the advice man.


Bludgeon all the way pal


It seems there is a clear consensus that the bludgeon is the weapon of choice

Venom Blitz

Torture ammy



Also, I'm training strength at the moment in nmz too (60 attack) and i feel having holy sandals instead of climbing boots is more beneficial if you're using ppots as the potential +1 dmg over the pray bonus isn't worth it.


As the guys said above, bludgeon or SS would be best, glhf mate.

31 minutes ago, Venom Blitz said:

Torture ammy



Also, I'm training strength at the moment in nmz too (60 attack) and i feel having holy sandals instead of climbing boots is more beneficial if you're using ppots as the potential +1 dmg over the pray bonus isn't worth it.


As the guys said above, bludgeon or SS would be best, glhf mate.

Ah good shout on the holy sandals mate, hadn't considered that. Thanks for the help.

Venom Blitz

np mate, also don't forgot any blessing as well for the +1 prayer bonus too


Isn't it better to use Attack boost prayers intead of strength, as you'll hit more often?

x Supreme x

Yeah I was to broke at the time for bludgeon, but I used unblessed SS and it went pretty smoothly. Just get consistent about getting into NMZ and you'll rack up exp in no time!

1 hour ago, x Supreme x said:

Yeah I was to broke at the time for bludgeon, but I used unblessed SS and it went pretty smoothly. Just get consistent about getting into NMZ and you'll rack up exp in no time!



yes everyone covered it very well

On 6/23/2017 at 1:48 PM, mudb0n3 said:

yes everyone covered it very well

This is me in every group uni assignment ever

1 hour ago, mlaK said:

This is me in every group uni assignment ever

Hey as long as you get your name involved right 


Just a follow-up on this. Tried the SS first for three or four runs and then the Bludgeon for the same. Possible that the melee monsters in NMZ are weaker to slash than crush as the Bludgeon ended up averaging about 75k xp an hour whereas the SS was around 82k xp an hour.

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