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a lil different


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A bit of chromatic abberation but it came out alright I think

I might come back to this and make it less jittery but I wanted to go for something a bit more simple

Edited by Ankhor
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27 minutes ago, Hilarious said:

little flashy for me, but looks good

I agree, I'm gonna make it a lil less all over the place!

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31 minutes ago, Fred said:

requesting sick non-gif edit of the eagle for the foe twitter avatar!

how so? with the RGB Split? I can always do that for you tomorrow since im working in a hour and a half for the rest of tonight

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5 minutes ago, Ankhor said:

how so? with the RGB Split? I can always do that for you tomorrow since im working in a hour and a half for the rest of tonight


i'm actually gonna make a topic about it so don't worry; but you can still do it if you want (will be explained in the topic)

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@Ankhor could you remove the triple layer of the foe bird and make it's just the singular bird being disoriented by static, like if u cropped the left and right bird out and focused on just the center bird? i aCTUALLY like this alot, dude it's sick i'd like to discuss some personal gfx being made if you're ever available just pm me 

Edited by Cody
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3 hours ago, Ankhor said:

I agree, I'm gonna make it a lil less all over the place!


Yeah just get it refined a little and it'll be good

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  • 3 weeks later...

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